Ever have a bad fill set gauge?

I purchased a used scba fill set out of the classifieds month or 2 ago. Unknown to me how old it is. Most likely a couple of years.
Anyway, turns out the gauge is reading 40 to 50 bar high. It almost seems like it gets worse every time I use it. Gonna need replacing.

Anyone else have this happen?

I started to question my fill pressure in my tanks when my guns wouldn’t fill completely. Took a little while for me to figure out and to put together another fill set to compare it to.


pictures are old bad gauge vs new “good“ gauge — multiple gauges seem to match the new ” good” gauge — no other gauges I have match the readings from the bad one. Two sets of pictures of 2 different tanks
Also a YES from me.

Rare to have multiple gauges agree. I have a SCUBA fill station from Brancato that seems to be one of the better gauges, typically matching quality gun gauges (like WIKA) . BUT the gauge on my Airtanks plus fill station for SCBA read 200psi higher than actual. And the gauge on my Yong Henger pegs out at max when the gauge on the receiving tank is around 4200. I don't remember exactly what the Yonger gauge goes up to but I think it says 7000 when it's really only 4200.

It's good to know the little idiosyncrasies of whatever gauges you're working with.