Benjamin Ever seen a Benjamin Fortitac?

Well you have now!


177, 925 fps w/ 8 grain lead, queit as a mouse, and only 33" long.
I've shot about 40 out of the 2500 psi fill, but it only dropped 300 psi. I can feel a bit of hammer bounce. The spring needs and adjuster. The RAI stock adapter doesn't have one built in which is crappy.
"i can feel the hammer bounce". Its def a benjamin! My benjis do too. Bad
Definately a new look to it.
Cut the breech back about 3/4" to clear the drop block. Barrel is now 14", which leaves me 9" of barrel with a choke that is going to end up growing a whole pistol off of it.

RAI stock adapter and a Kral buttstock I had laying around, one of those Chinese hpa conversion kits and a chopped factory tube. 425cc bottle off the jumbo as well.

I took the other end of the tube that was just past the gauge hole and cut all the action slots and holes into it. That's for another thread though lol.
Took it outside for some 30 yard groups. Once I get it squared away I will fix the cosmetics.


As it sits, it's not grouping well. I only have Walmart crosman hollows to try, so I can't tell if it's those or the gun yet. Definitely hear the burp from the hammer/valve being out of sync. I remember now that I have a really light spring in the valve and need to stiffen that back up and slap a Prod hammer cap on there so I have some adjustability.

If that doesn't fix the accuracy issues, then I'll redress the crown and possibly polish the barrel.
It was liking the heavier stuff from Crosman, JSB and H&N 10+ gr range.
I think it was just dumping too much air. I realized it was louder than I thought once I went outside where it's dead calm.

I just swapped a stiffer valve spring in and stole my hammer adjuster/Prod cap off one of the other builds, and it's now much quieter but it did drop to 835 fps on average with cphp.

I will order some pellets and see what I can get it to do. If I can hang in the 14 fpe range I'll be happy. As long as it hits where I'm aiming lol.

Edit: had it too high of pressure. It likes 1500-2500 now, and it's hovering at 900 fps with the wally world pellets.
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Got bored and swapped the bottle for a long tube. It added an inch to the shroud length, but I added a baffle to get it even quieter. I have a 20mm CF tube I will eventually make he shroud out of and that will fill that gap at the breech.

200cc tube, and it's so much lighter and better balance now. Plus it makes it easier to get a hand on the tube for a grip. Just feels better. Didn't need 425cc's of air on the 177 anyways.
