American Air Arms Evol Mini 22


Jan 18, 2020
A couple years ago this was being hailed as one of the best offerings for compact full-power PCPs. People were gushing. But lately I've started to see them trickle more and more into the classifieds here and elsewhere and not much commenting on them anymore. I was a bit critical of them due to the price, but I had begun considering this gun as a future option if/when I need to replace me current primary critter gitter.

So what say the users that now have years of experience with it? Is it all that is was cracked up to be? If you sold it, why?
I don't own one, want one, but many of my friends do have one and a couple did sell, but for all various different reasons from $ to not liking a single thing about it, to just wanting something new, etc... and as someone who has seen what you are referring to I can just make some generalized comments:

I can say is there is always hype (whether it comes from influencers with an agenda or not) or there's always people who made a new buy and want to talk about it/show off the new gun, people who want to review it when new, all types of reasons really... but for most people I know who owned one when it was still "popular" as you are talking about, still own theirs and still use it daily. Maybe it's a bit different for the Mini 22, as more of my friends have the larger versions or the 30cal but I just think it's a matter of the "new gun hype" is always changing, while also saying.... not every airgun is perfect even AAA guns have thier pros and cons

if it's something you like and truly want to get, I wouldn't let the current talk of the trade discourage you...

thats my opinion, but as far as why I haven't gotten one yet, I am HOPING the newer HPS lineup will be released maybe sometime this year as I prefer slugs over pellets personally
Evol, Stout and Capable, but not Versatile…

This gun in its current iteration is undisputely stout and shoots awesome. So? What’s the rub? For many it lacks the versatility of easy regulator adjustments, caliber changes, different barrel lengths, etc. “Special” tools for regular service items on the gun? It’s great if you just want a one trick pony and there’s nothing wrong with that… 🙏 But we understand that oftentimes we “have to” send many different projectiles to achieve the desired goal. With airguns I have found that simple versatility within reason, trumps battlefield stout… Particularly for recreational purposes…🙏 And while I love my BRKs I understand they are not perfect and others users could “offer” cues for refinement… That said this manufacturer needs to make future iterations of his PCPs, simply more amenable to the buyers/users needs by offering the same range and “ease” of adjustability the competitors provide without the need for “special tools”… 🙏 The Ghost XR is an example of a manufacturer that listens to the user base. It simply shines in its ease of adjustability, adaptability and more importantly, capabilities… Thoughts?
For many it lacks the versatility of easy regulator adjustments, caliber changes, different barrel lengths, etc. “Special” tools for regular service items on the gun?

That said this manufacturer needs to make future iterations of his PCPs, simply more amenable to the buyers/users needs by offering the same range and “ease” of adjustability the competitors provide without the need for “special tools”
This part is honestly the reason I haven't sprung for one YET.

I fully agree with this, and the new lineup is supposed to be doing all these upgrades, but no official time has been released yet on when it'll come out so I'll keep waiting for now. 😥
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I have one. Just think of the gun as a Custom Shop S&W .357 pistol. Guys that buy that pistol aren’t going to try to do anything else with it. No trinket is going to magically show up in the market that is a “must have” for an Evol. Are you gonna feel you suddenly need some poedunk barrel tension kit? No. The Evol barrel is tensioned from the factory properly. Aftermarket reg? Nah. Trigger work? Nah. Hammer weights or better barrels? Nah and Nah. The gun is extremely boring. You can’t even bang it around and look forward to sighting it in again. Guys get rid of them for the same reason I might eventually part with mine, nothing to improve and nothing to bitch about. If you get a chance to buy one, do it. Everyone should see how PCP life should be. It’s truly like owning a powder burner. It does what it’s supposed to do all the time.
I have one. Just think of the gun as a Custom Shop S&W .357 pistol. Guys that buy that pistol aren’t going to try to do anything else with it. No trinket is going to magically show up in the market that is a “must have” for an Evol. Are you gonna feel you suddenly need some poedunk barrel tension kit? No. The Evol barrel is tensioned from the factory properly. Aftermarket reg? Nah. Trigger work? Nah. Hammer weights or better barrels? Nah and Nah. The gun is extremely boring. You can’t even bang it around and look forward to sighting it in again. Guys get rid of them for the same reason I might eventually part with mine, nothing to improve and nothing to bitch about. If you get a chance to buy one, do it. Everyone should see how PCP life should be. It’s truly like owning a powder burner. It does what it’s supposed to do all the time.
As a fella that ain't got one, but wants one (a Paradigm specifically), I greatly appreciate this and it's very well put.

I had always kinda wondered why they seem to be a "quiet gun" as in not having much buzz around them. If they just work, and work well there ain't much to talk about!

In closing, I still want one. 😁
I parted with mine when I was lured by a Sidewinder Compact. The jury is still out whether that was a good move or not.

Nothing wrong and pretty much everything right about the Evol Mini for my uses. I don't like to spend all my time tinkering and tuning, so it was a good gun for me. When I got it it was shooting Hades pellets at 911 fps with wonderful accuracy, and a low ES over a couple of magazines. The first shot was always accurate when I pulled it out of the bag. Ground squirrels hated that gun. Oh, and magazines are kind of expensive... not that it seems you would ever wear out the OEM one it comes with.

I've had lots of compact pesters - Evol Mini, M3 compact, Cricket, Vulcan 3 500, Uragan compact - you get the picture. I have liked all of them. I have loved the Evol Mini and the Uragan Compact. 2 guns which always seemed to do for me exactly what I expected them to do, always.

If I didn't mind having so much money in airguns, I would have kept the Evol Mini. But I can get another in the future if I really need to. I highly recommend that you try and/or buy one if you can - I don't think you will be disappointed if you just want something which works as specified by the manufacturer.
And your two quotes of what L.Leon said is exactly why I bought one. I knew when AAA caved in to the guys who just can’t leave their guns alone and made the gun adjustable for a nitwit, even I would constantly be searching for greener grass with the gun. The gun would lose its powder burner status quickly. How many guys just can’t stand their .308 or .22lr because they can’t change the caliber or shoot 10 projectiles out of it? None. Only PCP guys will complain because a gun isn’t easily adjustable and also complain when their easily adjustable gun has issues. AAA offered the antidote for tweaking disorder.
As a fella that ain't got one, but wants one (a Paradigm specifically), I greatly appreciate this and it's very well put.

I had always kinda wondered why they seem to be a "quiet gun" as in not having much buzz around them. If they just work, and work well there ain't much to talk about!

In closing, I still want one. 😁
After owning the Evol, I’ve had to talk myself down off the Paradigm ledge several times. I hope you get one some day.
@Vetmx, much respect… 🙏 But “magical trinkets”? “Poedunk kits”? That the Evol is an awesome PCP may be indisputable. But it does lack versatility compared to other PCPs of like quality. Though I’ve never held an Evol, I believe my Ghost Carbine is as good in quality of build and performance. And more importantly can be adjusted without “special tools”. And now this is available for all BRKs, making them much easier to work on. I don’t tinker with my BRKs I have simply shot them as is, out the box.

And your two quotes of what L.Leon said is exactly why I bought one. I knew when AAA caved in to the guys who just can’t leave their guns alone and made the gun adjustable for a nitwit, even I would constantly be searching for greener grass with the gun. The gun would lose its powder burner status quickly. How many guys just can’t stand their .308 or .22lr because they can’t change the caliber or shoot 10 projectiles out of it? None. Only PCP guys will complain because a gun isn’t easily adjustable and also complain when their easily adjustable gun has issues. AAA offered the antidote for tweaking disorder.

I mostly agree with you. I bought a Evol mini 22 about 2 years ago. because I wanted the best mini-carbine available. I also bought the AAA specialized tools for it. Primarily for maintenance not on-going adjustments. It was the best carbine I have owned but my requirements changed from a pester/hunter/backpacker to a 50-yard backyard target shooter. I now restrict my airguns to about 20fpe or less now days. It didn't make sense to turn down the Evol to less than 20fpe so I sold it. Out of the box it did what it was designed to do and did a great job at that.

What I disagree with you is that I have enjoyed modifying my Ruger 22lr pistols and rifles with different barrels, trigger groups and other parts over the last 30 years. So, I have at some level modified 22lr powder burners.

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I bought my 15" version when Tom brought it up to my place to test some barrels. Not a single regret but it was not perfect. After a time things were current and all leaks solved and It is definitely in my top 3 I've owned, which is many. USFT and original CRX Steel and maybe Theoben Mk1 would fall in there as well... very robust and well designed for their use. Never to be worn out would be my first praise. I also own a Ghost and have all calibers as well as a DW. As good as these are, they are NOT in the Evol's category for solidity and durability... The very things you cite are the reason they could never be. The EVOL is a purpose built hunting rifle with at or very near competitive benchrest accuracy. I bought mine because I saw the opportunity to own something special that might have a limited availability with Tom being a one man show back then. Who can say when burnout will occur, or worse. Same exact reason I bought a USFT.
I used to try to only buy rifles that were versatile . .. that I could use for my main 3 things - plinking, hunting, and FT and specialized stuff for hunting was not good for FT and the reverse. I also used to believe it needed to be POWERFUL to be worthy. Then cf tanks and high pressure air became commonplace and I began shooting EBR and you figure out ... THE RIGHT POWER is where it's at. Most anything that is accurate is what's interesting these days as I plink quite a bit on my 50 yd short range and frequently on my 208 yd range. The two most commonly brought out are my Evol and DW in 20.
You say it isn't versatile because you can't change things on the fly but why would you want to if it's set up right? I did change mine to 177 to be able to use it in Pistol FT. It was not simple as throwing a barrel and probe on but wasn't incredibly difficult. I have to degas to make reg changes but same for the Ghost if you're going lower. Barrel and probe switch is very little more time consuming than the Ghost. Anyway, as a 177 it definitely gets shot the most of everything I own. Virtually every day I take a moment to sit and shoot a few groups and can say without fail, it leaves a big smile...
Do you know that without stock or scope, my 15" weighs 3.5 lb? That means I can select accessories to make it pretty much anything... 5.5 lb hunter for instance, or 12 lb benchrest rifle and any in between.
Now I considered making a 20 cal setup for it to shoot the 18.9 slugs and 15.89s but 20 isn't the best at 12 ft lb. Might still, who knows?
Now I understand the lack of a power wheel means you can't adjust power on the fly... something that was available with early Crosmans and later the Korean hunters like the Career 707, but it also means you'll never miss a shot because you didn't set it back or can't remember if it's pl 10 or pl 11 that you want.
Just some of my thoughts when people want to make something out to be not good because it doesn't have instant gratification dials...

There's still a few threads on HAM which talk about it. The EVOL is a solid airgun but not for the tinkerer. The new HPS iteration will come with externally adjustable reg, valve dwell and hammer spring tension - that should bring it back into the current high end stream of guns.

I've owned a Mini and a 15". Both are solid .22 shooters. I sold the mini but kept the 15" as I wanted the slightly higher power version. But the Mini was pretty awesome detuned with Crossman 14.3gr pellets.

One thing not mentioned above is the trigger. It's a true 2-stage AR drop in trigger. Highest quality trigger on any airgun I've ever shot. It's also very easy to work on, has minimal o-rings, is rugged as F, tensioned barrel as noted by most, AR accessory compatible on rail, grip, stock, etc.

It's not a gun for everyone but those who have sipped the Kool-Aid know. I believe once the HPS line hits the market you'll see a lot more talk.
After owning the Evol, I’ve had to talk myself down off the Paradigm ledge several times. I hope you get one some day.
Same here, if I was buying a currently offered AAA gun, I think it'd be hard to keep myself away from the Paradigm too.

Such a beautiful stock, that part just calls to me, the gun is pretty nice too though :ROFLMAO:
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Evols are amazing guns. No doubt about it. I've yet to have mine fail me, over 2 years and never had the POI shift, always first shot ready, stupid accurate and great trigger. Why would I sell mine? I question myself alot on it lol. I really think it's just to switch things up. I used to do that every 3-4 months but over 2 years the Evol Mini lasted as it was that special. I will probably regret it after the fact as the gun has always just been dependable but I've had my time with it and think someone else can enjoy it now.
I LOVE my Paradigm, and sadly at times have considered selling it for something else. I was able to get one of Tom's extended plenums and the externally adjustable regulators. And man does this thing shoot. Plain and simple it just shoots every time you need it to.

You can tinker with it, but it is more of a just shoot it gun. You can adjust but if you want to tinker, add bits and parts, constantly want to worry about barrel flex or POI an FX. If you just want to shoot or and Evol.
Like most here, I have a stable full of air guns. I have an EVOL 15 and 30 (the 30 was a recent buy from here) and they are as other folks mentioned here hunting machines. They just work. I have other guns that are highly tunable to get the "tinker bug" out of me. I seem to be fooling with target guns all the time to get the most out of them (it's never the shooter!). We all get tired of certain guns and trading and selling to try another one out is just part of the fun with this sport. I'm looking forward to the new AAAs when they come out as well as the new Skout and the Epic One. If a Paradigm came up for sale (haven't really seen any...) I would probably have to think hard at what I was going to trade/sell to get that one in the group!
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Don't tempt me about selling the Paradigm. I always have the itch for a new gun


Though my son may get pissed. Lol
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