Experience with the Huma-Air extended scope rail with barrel stiffener for the FX Maverick?

I don’t have the experience, but I recently read a thread where the poster had tried about everything on his Maverick. He said the barrel band was the best single thing. But that was a black arts design model.
A year and a half have passed since my first post in this thread, have any one by now tried the "Extended scope rail with barrel stiffener" by Huma Air? I'm still arguing with myself on this one...

Hi, apparently no one has tried it. Why are you asking about this set, because it's beautiful or maybe I need it??? Having problems with your Maverick? If you need to help ...... !!! :)
Mainly because I'm curious about whether, and possibly how well, this kit works. I like the Maverick well, but the shifting POI is a bit annoying. And the kit has been for sale for a year and a half now, so someone on AGN should possibly have some experience with it. At least that's what I hope for... And if the kit is not what it's claimed to be, I know there's some DIY mods that are interesting. But if I could just buy the solution for this one I'd be happy, because I have plenty of other projects I'd rather use my time on.
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Главно защото съм любопитен дали и евентуално колко добре работи този комплект. Харесвам добре Maverick, но изместването на POI е малко досадно. И комплектът се продава вече година и половина, така че някой от AGN евентуално трябва да има опит с него. Поне на това се надявам... И ако комплектът не е това, за което се твърди, знам, че има някои DIY модове, които са интересни. Но ако мога просто да купя решението за това, ще бъда щастлив, защото имам много други проекти, за които предпочитам да използвам времето си.
Кога имате промяна в POI? При какви обстоятелства?
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I shoot much more than that, but I'm mainly a pistol (and shotgun) shooter. Rifles have never been top priority, more a change from the usual. My R5M has a steady POI, so I usually pick that one up when I want to shoot with air rifle.
All shots are affected. Nothing connects the bottle to the barrel.
For starters, you can check if the shot speed is constant. Second suspect is the optics, check the mounts to see if they are tight. If everything is fine here, we will continue.