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(expired)(Found)wtb benjamin marauder .22

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Nov 30, 2015
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looking for a marauder shoot me a text 540 760 7418

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I know there are guys out there that can tweak the hell out of them but out of the box no comparison. I've had both 177 and 25 in mrod but only shot the 22 disco. Your getting better quality for the money. Mrod has better trigger better accuracy and pretty sure even the 25 is quieter than the disco. Also pretty sure the 177 is the quietest factory gun ever, I mean it's crazy quiet. But if I was a prepper I would have a disco and a Handpump,I think it would make a good survival gun.
If buying used from a reputable seller, why not just ask what size groups he's getting? I got a used Gen 1 .22 and it's a laser. There are probably more good barrels out there than bad IMO, Maybe the folks with good barrels are shooting instead of typing? The .22s get far more shots per fill than the .25s, so they make more sense if you're pumping or filling from a scuba tank.
You just missed black Friday sales. If you can hold out you might be able to get a new one on the high but close side of $400 as we close in on the holidays. Just watch the site sponsors as well as some other vendors. I have the Gen 1 25 and went with 25 because of issues with the 22 which I wanted. Since then I am a 25 convert. Like Ted said on his vid, In its heart its a hunting rifle. It slings a lot of lead and uses a lot of air....
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