Extreme Bench Rest (EBR) 2024

Daystate is proud to be the title sponsor of Extreme Bench Rest 75/100 Yard Benchrest Pro and Sportsmans class for 2024.

This year's overall winner (Pro OR sportsman, whoever has highest finals score) will win a Daystate airgun of their choice, MTC scope, 0DB moderator, and a Daystate Super leggero air compressor ($8000 value) on top of the prize money.


If you plan on competing or just spectating, this incredible event is always worth attending! We will have Daystate rifles on the test range for everyone to try out and you can meet key members of the Daystate organization.

Registration opens tomorrow the 14th of August at 9 AM (MST)

Extreme Bench Rest
I can’t believe it. The registration got filled and less than 30 minutes wow. Wow.

Some of the events were filled up as early as the prior day.

For winning one of the EFT Grand Prixs I was supplied an early registration link (per EFT Grand Prix rules). I looked yesterday afternoon and it showed that the EFT portion was "wait list only."
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Yeah, it's been filling up faster and faster, just like RMAC. Contrary to rumors, none of the events were filled prior to open registration. I know of one person that got in all events when he registered today. He just did it immediately when registration opened. For EBR, there are a few ways to get in that I've used.
- Shoot in an Extreme Field Target Grand Prix Event (there were/are 5 this year), and finish in the top 20%. There are 6 of us on Team Centercut that got in early this way, including me.
- Have your computer booted up and online, ready to fill out the form and enter as soon as it opens.
- Lastly, get on the standby list, many get in that way since there are always cancellations - Augie @Bigragu got in last year on a cancellation and finished 2nd at 100Y Sportsman and won $3K.
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Make sense but sucks , if I don’t compete I don’t have a chance to win, and vise-versa.
The should have at least 3 open spot for new people to be fair. 😞
What you guys think ?
There are folks that travel cross country to those Grand Prix's , which 3 of those folks that commit that effort and money would you like to ask to give up thier spots ?
A choice of rifle, scope, and a compressor in addition to the prize money? That's a beefy first place prize there. Thing is, when I see who wins these competitions, I hardly think those guys need a compressor or scope. Though a guy can always use a new rifle. Although I'm sure they're not complaining. Now offering that package exclusively to the guy who wins Sportsman's class would be awesome to see. Just a thought. That's crazy how quick registration filled up.
A choice of rifle, scope, and a compressor in addition to the prize money? That's a beefy first place prize there. Thing is, when I see who wins these competitions, I hardly think those guys need a compressor or scope. Though a guy can always use a new rifle. Although I'm sure they're not complaining. Now offering that package exclusively to the guy who wins Sportsman's class would be awesome to see. Just a thought. That's crazy how quick registration filled up.
Notice though that the prize(s) go to the OVERALL Champion, whether Pro or Sportsman. So should a Sportsman shoot the high score, he gets those prizes...
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Notice though that the prize(s) go to the OVERALL Champion, whether Pro or Sportsman. So should a Sportsman shoot the high score, he gets those prizes...
@Centercut I saw that, but I was thinking "how often does a Sportsman outshoot a PRO (in terms of overall scoring)?" Then again I don't know all of the ins and outs of the classes. It would make sense that shooting Pro is more difficult with more rules. I was thinking aloud really. The point I was making is that that package seems like it's best suited for a guy or gal just really getting into competitive shooting or airguns un general. Again, just a thought here.
@Centercut I saw that, but I was thinking "how often does a Sportsman outshoot a PRO (in terms of overall scoring)?" Then again I don't know all of the ins and outs of the classes. It would make sense that shooting Pro is more difficult with more rules. I was thinking aloud really. The point I was making is that that package seems like it's best suited for a guy or gal just really getting into competitive shooting or airguns un general. Again, just a thought here.
Yes, I see your point. It is possible, or even probable that a Sportsman has a really good day and shoots high overall score. The rules and range are the same, and the finals are shot at the same range at the same time. In 2018 when Claudio Flores won with a 216, the high Sportsman (Dakota Enox) shot a 215.
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There are folks that travel cross country to those Grand Prix's , which 3 of those folks that commit that effort and money would you like to ask to give up thier spots ?
I think you missing my point or I wasn’t more specific: I think we all should have the same opportunity to “register” ones is open, however some folks received a ( link) to register a day before which it would leave less or non-spots available for all the regular folks whether they coming from out of state or a different country , so if there’s for example let’s say 100 spots for 50yr competition, in the system they can offer 97 to all folks who had a Link and leave the other 3 spots for the following day when the regular registration is open so whoever register first will get a chance to get one spot for the 50 yards comp, is not to take someone spot, it’s about to equal opportunity to everyone. Just my humble opinion.
I think you missing my point or I wasn’t more specific: I think we all should have the same opportunity to “register” ones is open, however some folks received a ( link) to register a day before which it would leave less or non-spots available for all the regular folks whether they coming from out of state or a different country , so if there’s for example let’s say 100 spots for 50yr competition, in the system they can offer 97 to all folks who had a Link and leave the other 3 spots for the following day when the regular registration is open so whoever register first will get a chance to get one spot for the 50 yards comp, is not to take someone spot, it’s about to equal opportunity to everyone. Just my humble opinion.

You seem to have missed that I said I had that link because I won one of the Grand Prixs in the yearly series.

With the EFT @ EBR essentially being the finals/nationals for the GP series, it only makes sense that the top placers at the various GP matches through the year get priority sign up for the finals match.

This came up last year too. Problem is that EBR is a victim of its own success. More people want to shoot than can feasibly be accommodated. And the problem with extending the event is that it's already a 4 day deal.
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You seem to have missed that I said I had that link because I won one of the Grand Prixs in the yearly series.

With the EFT @ EBR essentially being the finals/nationals for the GP series, it only makes sense that the top placers at the various GP matches through the year get priority sign up for the finals match.

This came up last year too. Problem is that EBR is a victim of its own success. More people want to shoot than can feasibly be accommodated. And the problem with extending the event is that it's already a 4 day deal.
Hello ....my reply wasn’t for you, it was for someone else.
Moving forward, it would be nice to see expansion occur, by either adding qualifiers into such events, making more room for more shooters, or not limiting sign ups but doing a lottery/draw for entries so people can't game the system. I would bet that sponsored shooters didn't even have to sign up here, their invite is in stone. So this applies moreso to the sportsman than pro collective. I am not a fan of first come first serve with sign up's on the web, there should be a clear deadline with a draw in such cases.

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Past champions should be given a chance for an early entry...they have earned it
However, i do not think that the number of returning champions should be included in their crowd limit
Say you have a 125 limit and 25 returning champions ...don't remove the 25 from the 125..make it 150
keep the crowd size constant and have the # of retuning champs as the variable
better growth of the event
If the champs are getting the spots, it will constrict the future availability to sporting class and newcomers
I'm wildly impressed with this event AOA has created. I feel some friends and family members think I'm in an airgun cult. And I'm not nearly into it as much as most people, but I do love the sport/hobby whatever you want to call it. I totaled up the cash $58,900 and non cash prizes $6500 ( may be off but you get the idea) the event is offering and it blew me away. I can't wait to pass these facts along to these family members to exhibit just how popular the sport has become. Between this airgun event, others like RMAC and the Olympics (which were awesome) I may be looking more mainstream! 😁