I didn't make it to the April match (eye procedure) but find myself stuck in front of a computer today so requested some pics from Ben so I could compile the info for those interested. Linda supplied all but one of the pics and I nominate her as the designated pic-getter from here on out. She got some great ones. Centercut supplied the pic with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners of the EFT pellet division.
Looks like the shooters dealt with a bit of wind and bright sunshine last Sat!
Match director Ben
Barry and Gene (Centercut is a man on a mission in the background, in a hurry to get somewhere)
Tony and Barbara
Some random ones
Ben opted to have a sub 20fpe match early in the morning before the regular EFT match. Looks like everybody went with .177, mostly 13.4s but a couple of 10.34grainers in there. I was really looking forward to trying it out with my 20fpe .20 but it just didn't work out.
And the main event.... (no slug shooters this month, and two decided to give it a try with their rimfires)
Bobby, Sandy, Steve, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place scores in the high power event. These 3 are at the top pretty often.
Now, for some # crunching: For the <20 event 47/220 of the fars got knocked down (21.4%)
81/220 of the nears got knocked down (36.8%)
for a total of 128/440 (29%)
For the high power event: 133/360 of the fars got knocked down (36.9%)
152/360 of the nears got knocked down (42.2%)
for a total of 285/720 (39.6%)
Conclusion CONGRATS Sandy! Pretty consistent in placing high in these events. Great shooting.
I got a chuckle out of Barbs comment on her scorecard about how 5x with the scope works better. She accidentally shot nearly the whole match with it on 5x in March. (nice shooting by the way in the sub20fpe class, smoked your husband!-had to rib you a bit there Tony).
Ben asked that I thank Wayne for all his help setting up targets on Friday. I'm told that Wayne had to make an ammo change halfway through the course which will always mess up a potentially good score.
Ben also wanted to thank and acknowledge all of the pics from Linda. I agree, she got some great pics of the gang and her sharing of them for this match report is much appreciated.
Thank you to the San Diego shooters. I think we had 4 of you make the drive this month. We realize that is a long ways to drive and just want you to know that we're glad you're coming. It's been fun to get to know you guys.
I'm also glad that Linda and Leo returned after their first match in March. I got to know them a bit in March and they're awesome people-fit right in with the rest of the gang. Hope to see you guys up at the sub 20fpe Airgunners of Arizona summer matches just south of Flagstaff in the coming months. Dunno what it is about people drawn to airgunning, but nearly all of them that I've spent any time with have become good friends.
And finally, thank you to Ben. Not only did he single-handedly turn monthly Extreme Field Target events into a reality (which was a ton of often back-breaking work) but now also handles and manages the drama and politics. We're all good friends but there is lots of passionate opinion-sharing of how we want to see these events continue. Kudos to Ben for, early on, deciding that these events would be "shooters events" and decisions would be made based on votes of those involved. He very well could have gone the other direction and just said "THIS is how it's going to be." In my opinion, lots of the sometimes heated discussion that has occurred has been because we have been given that opportunity to shape and mold this into something that we can hope to continue to enjoy.
Ben, despite all the drama, I just want you to know how much I personally enjoy these matches, and that enjoyment seems to be shared or these other shooters wouldn't be returning also.
And for anybody that is considering throwing your hat in the ring, COME SHOOT WITH US! I promise you'll love it. Don't be intimidated by equipment or rules. You'll be squadded with somebody who has shot the event before and can explain things as we go. Heck, come down and borrow a gun to see what you want to buy. I'm not aware of any of the regulars that wouldn't be willing to share a gun with you.