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Extreme field target with a .25 cal

Does anyone shoot extreme Field Target with a .25 caliber. How about a .22 cal?

Yes and yes.

When Extreme FT first started here in AZ, nearly everyone was shooting .22, specifically the 25.4 Monster RD. That was for most monthly matches from about 2020-2022ish.

Towards the end of that rough time frame, JSB started having its consistency issues with the .22/24.4 MRDs. MANY gave up on the .22/25.4 and changed over to the .25/34gr. Realistically, both of those pellets have BCs in the 0.05-0.06 range.

Fast forward some more and the AEA .30 pellets have now come out, with BCs north of 0.07. Seems that most of the benchrest crowd have shifted to that new/current holder of title of best pellet BC.

I think the days of the .22/25.4s being a viable option in the biggest long range benchrest comps are over (less sure about the .25/34 but it's days might be numbered as well). As for high power/long range field target, the .22/25.4 and .25/34 can still be competitive. And that's for various reasons, a couple of which would elicit some heated responses were I to state them here. Suffice it to say that I attended only one of the 6? EFT Grand Prix this year. The 3 highest scores were shot with .22/25.4s at that event.
(Edit: leading up to the match, the eventual 3rd place shooter was going back and forth, comparing JSB .22 Monster RDs and the JTS copies and seems like I remember him telling me that he settled on and used the the .22 JTS MRD copies during that match).
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This weekend I shot my Skout Evo .25 with a Submoa barrel in it. I took first with a 58/60. I been shooting EFT for a good while now and it seams that .22 is getting less and less. At our matches in OKC and TX the .25 and .30 number of shooters far out weigh the number of .22 shooters. I only shot a couple matches with my .22 RedWolf and quickly decided I needed to make a change and so I did. I went with .25 for a number of reasons but a big one was price per tin and how many pellets you get for that price over the .30. .30 is great and I know a lot of people that shoot it but I prefer the .25 at the moment. If you’re looking for options and recommendations I could not recommend .25 more. Like Franklink said it can be a lot to get into in depth.
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This weekend I shot my Skout Evo .25 with a Submoa barrel in it. I took first with a 58/60. I been shooting EFT for a good while now and it seams that .22 is getting less and less. At our matches in OKC and TX the .25 and .30 number of shooters far out weigh the number of .22 shooters. I only shot a couple matches with my .22 RedWolf and quickly decided I needed to make a change and so I did. I went with .25 for a number of reasons but a big one was price per tin and how many pellets you get for that price over the .30. .30 is great and I know a lot of people that shoot it but I prefer the .25 at the moment. If you’re looking for options and recommendations I could not recommend .25 more. Like Franklink said it can be a lot to get into in depth.

Congrats Caleb, GREAT shooting!
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Great shooting Caleb....! Damn, that scope is HUGE! And my, what a fat barrel you have... ;)

See that sweat pouring off Champ's face🥵? That's not from just finishing a sixty shot match in 100 degree PLUS heat indexes.

It's from holding his rig long enough to pose for that photo.:unsure:

See that sweat pouring off Champ's face🥵? That's not from just finishing a sixty shot match in 100 degree PLUS heat indexes.

It's from holding his rig long enough to pose for that photo.:unsure:

If you think the EFT setup is heavy, how about when he sets up the same gun for Benchrest?
I think it does come with its own forklift however,…. 😂
