Fabricated a Custom Bag-Rider arm for the SKOUT ... snazzy !!

Seeing Donny FL sells one for $60 + postage :rolleyes: figured that $$ was better spent on event entry or pellets etc, being I'm retired and fun projects keep the O'ld mind working.
Dug out a piece of 6061-T6 aluminum solid rectangle in .500" x .625" and got after it. The foot that slides in IS-NOT a taper / dovetail but a flat side shape with a small amount of flair / wedge at the bottom. How friggen odd !!

No matter as duplicating this profile just took a ball end mill set to be just shy of flat facing leaving a small bit of roll out / wedge on each side. Bit of fiddling to get the profile correct we get a firm slide in fit to the SKOUT skeleton butt pad.
* Where the Donny is a slip fit using 2 grub screws ( The FX design in general is majorly lame IMO ) I opted to make fit a snug Tap it together fit thats not coming apart or going to wiggle (y):love:

From there the aluminum gets torch heated up and wailed on by a big sledge while held in a vise making a Banana'ish profile. Some milling cuts to even up the sweep and belt sander profiling it starts to look like a bag rider.
Drill some lightening & bling holes down its length it takes on a less Ghetto look :LOL: Some sanding and scotch bright pad buff and we have it done.
Total time invested less than 2 hours and was kinda fun to fabricate and certainly happy with the result.



I am with you, I won't buy new if I can fix it :)
Upgraded the FX shroud a while back, the old=original shroud tube I repurposed to my L2 500 barrel, but I had to cut the tube down from x600 to x500.
So I ended up with a 100 mm loose piece, what else to do?
3d printed some bracket to hold the tube, and this how I ended with my "bag" rider. Uhm bag rider....I never actually shot my Impact from a bag anyways.

