Fun morning. Being tucked into the ground blind and listening to the cacophony of the dawn creatures was cool. I had some 'yotes chirping in the draws around me and I thought I heard some soft hen clucks as the sun came up. The area is on the side of a mountain above a valley/town and the fog was definitely a factor; right on the edge of the elevation line between clear and pea soup; no demarcation between the two. Visibility was either unlimited or 50 yards.
I was using my FX .25 Impact with NSA 26.8 gr. slugs. Being in the ground blind makes shooting longer guns like my Texan unwieldy, so I chose to go with Impact. Easy to carry long distance, wicked accurate for precise placement, and I didn't plan on shooting past 50-60 yards. In the blind I had an oversize folding chair, snacks, and a good book ('Helmet for my Pillow' by Robert Lecke), and warm clothes. Very comfortable. I sat for a couple of hours, called lightly, and did some reading. Then a whole flock of birds come ambling over the hill right into my lap. It was during the foggy period and I took the closest bird (there may have been 30 in the flock) that had a red head. It was about a 35-ish yard shot and I aimed right at the base of the neck. As soon as I shot it went down in a heap flopping. Having seen this before and then had them run off, I racked in another as the rest of the flock had the 'what the f&*$ was that?' look. The bird was spasming but not getting upright, so I backed out of the blind and made my way towards him just in case he decided to make a run for it. Not this time though. The flopping stopped and I had my bird. The wound channel was HUGE! Entry broke the wing joint above the breast on the left side, passed through, and exited out of the base of the neck on the right leaving a 1" hole. The NSA 26.8 gr. does the job.
I took a pic of the fog layer as we were leaving. The valley floor was still socked in, but as you can see I was maybe 100' in elevation above it midmorning.
I was using my FX .25 Impact with NSA 26.8 gr. slugs. Being in the ground blind makes shooting longer guns like my Texan unwieldy, so I chose to go with Impact. Easy to carry long distance, wicked accurate for precise placement, and I didn't plan on shooting past 50-60 yards. In the blind I had an oversize folding chair, snacks, and a good book ('Helmet for my Pillow' by Robert Lecke), and warm clothes. Very comfortable. I sat for a couple of hours, called lightly, and did some reading. Then a whole flock of birds come ambling over the hill right into my lap. It was during the foggy period and I took the closest bird (there may have been 30 in the flock) that had a red head. It was about a 35-ish yard shot and I aimed right at the base of the neck. As soon as I shot it went down in a heap flopping. Having seen this before and then had them run off, I racked in another as the rest of the flock had the 'what the f&*$ was that?' look. The bird was spasming but not getting upright, so I backed out of the blind and made my way towards him just in case he decided to make a run for it. Not this time though. The flopping stopped and I had my bird. The wound channel was HUGE! Entry broke the wing joint above the breast on the left side, passed through, and exited out of the base of the neck on the right leaving a 1" hole. The NSA 26.8 gr. does the job.
I took a pic of the fog layer as we were leaving. The valley floor was still socked in, but as you can see I was maybe 100' in elevation above it midmorning.