FAS 6004

After eventually finding the seals that my wife had opened, put down, covered in junk mail and forgot about, I excitedly fitted them to the Supertarget. 😁

Naff-all improvement. 😭

Maybe another 10 or 20 fps after I re-set the barrel to account for the slightly slimmer breech seal.

So with every possible modification done, (apart from drilling out the transfer port to 4mm), I am seeing 350/360 fps with 7.33 grain H&N pellets.

But today I got over 425 fps with a lead pellet I hadn't tried in it before!

The 'awesome' Kvintnor Delta Russian ammunition!
Super-fast but absolutely abismal accuracy. Even at a distance of 8 feet from the target, the spread was about an inch.

Speed isn't everything...
Been down to the end of the garden to give the Sig a better try out. Still getting used to handling it now I have finished tinkering with its innards.
I think I have found that Meisterkugeln or R10 pellets suit it better than the H&N Econ II, but I have yet to find a gun that suits the Kvintnor Delta.