• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

FAT BOY...how did you make it better?

Without the extension tube, without the vented air stripper, just the can and plug in the front end. How did you make it function better/quieter? Gun makes 25 to 27 lbft, .22 cal, Prod at 18/20lbft works great, Avenger at 31lbft again great, TalonP at 31lbft not worth a poop. As soon as my scope and rings arrive I'll be screwing it onto a new to me gun. Want to know what worked for you on this can.
I didn't buy them. Won them here on AGN. Just tried a Sumo it was still loud. Going to have to get out the sound meter and get serious. I have more to try but I'll have to wait till my scope gets here. I place the meter 15ft in front and 5ft to the left. Just so I have a constant on every test.
Funny feeling its going to be a Huggett or STO
I picked up a used Empire XS. Tore it down, cleaned, lubed, thread locked, remachined some parts and 5 coats of linseed oil. .22 cal. Light tension on the HS and its shooting 15.9s at 830
It has quite a "snap" when you pull the trigger.
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Without the extension tube, without the vented air stripper, just the can and plug in the front end. How did you make it function better/quieter? Gun makes 25 to 27 lbft, .22 cal, Prod at 18/20lbft works great, Avenger at 31lbft again great, TalonP at 31lbft not worth a poop. As soon as my scope and rings arrive I'll be screwing it onto a new to me gun. Want to know what worked for you on this can.
You could try adding another layer of felt. I guess the Fatboy you ether love it or you hate it. If adding felt don't work guess it's time to sell it or use it as a pencil holder.
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My Empire XS is shooting 18.1‘s 890fps and I have a tiny can on it. It’s quiet. But with the SSG I built for it, the pellet has very little excess air behind it. And as someone else kinda eluded to, the only guns I own that a Donny is effective on are the ones that have a working shroud and I can control dwell. My RTI has a FX barrel and my mod is screwed directly on the barrel and is used to tension the shroud. Nothing in my Donny inventory would quiet that gun. I either had to invest in one of his dirt bike mufflers or switch to something better. I used something better.
Yeah, I bought the Fat Boy too.
The ONLY gun that it made any quieter was my Ataman AP16 ! And the was removing a "Donny FL" Tatsu !! I installed a Huma M30, two segment onto my AP16. The sound attenuation is about the same as with the Fat Boy...BUT...a LOT...smaller !
Right now it's sitting on my little shot, Walther Reign.

I had a e-mail going with DonnyFL a while back about the lack of any profitable sound deadening or reduction over other suppressors. We just ended up agreeing to disagree, when I mentioned my fairly long experience in Aerospace, Acoustic chambers !

Kinda funny how all that experience can lead one to make assumptions which are just wrong. See the thread on moderating a piston rifle. 😉

Who would have ever thought that a moderator can be too open (free flowing) for a lower powered rifle while working very well on a higher powered rifle?🤔

I've measured my Tatsu and Tanto on different rifles and observed one work better than the other on one rifle and then seen the opposite on a different rifle.😯

I've put the same baffle set up on different tubes and seen much smaller volumes significantly out perform larger volumes.🤬

Turns out there is an "optimal" operating pressure on any given design.💨🤔

Been a Computer Scientist since 1990 and still learn something new every day.😳

The Vietnamese have a saying, "When the Apple decides it's ripe, it begins to rot."😤
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Oldspook, for kicks and giggles I screwed that thing on my 2240XL. It worked really well.
Scope will be here today so I'll be able to test outside after sighting in.
As noted...mine (Fat Boy) works well on my AP16, but none of my other rifles !
Go figure THAT one. Maybe the guns lower air volume vs the big Fat Boy's volume (as noted above) has something to do with it, despite what the DonnyFL guys told me.

But...hard as I tried, I couldn't leave it there. Replaced the Fat Boy with a Huma M40. A bit smaller in diameter, and a little shorter...big size difference overall.

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I got it down to 74db, so I'll keep it, probably. Still have to clean up my mess in the basement. Tried wrappong the core with eveything I could find. Ended up wrapping Donny's felt, followed by these filters you put behind theheat vents on the floor. Wrapped until it almost wont fit in the can. Two wraps of neoprene foam 3/32 thick.
I'm going to buy a Huggett or STO. Open for sudgestions or recomendations though.
Get some duck tape and wrap that thing up so that all the little vent holes in the side are plugged. Make a disc and cover the front end where all the extra little vent holes are... See what that shows.

I think bigger moderators with holes in them really don't work very well unless your gun is really high power. Could be wrong on that though wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
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I got it down to 74db, so I'll keep it, probably. Still have to clean up my mess in the basement. Tried wrappong the core with eveything I could find. Ended up wrapping Donny's felt, followed by these filters you put behind theheat vents on the floor. Wrapped until it almost wont fit in the can. Two wraps of neoprene foam 3/32 thick.
I'm going to buy a Huggett or STO. Open for sudgestions or recomendations though.
I've gotten partial to the Huma suppressors.

I've used the M30 and the M40 versions (different diameters). They have a lot of insulation in them for their diameter, and way...more than DonnyFL uses. Plus, they come in segments. You can buy a three segment (chamber) or a four. I've been buying the three segment, and about half the time, I remove one segment. The sound is quelled more than enough and removing one segment, helps keep the gun short !

I bought the Fatboy to use on my .30 Uragan King but donny’s adapter wasn’t compatible with my King. Not that the Uragan King needed it, i just wanted to try it and see what it did on there. Anyway long story short, tried it on everything I own (except the king) and the ONLY thing it makes a difference on is my Evol .30. It is about the same loudness level as the factory unit but it has a lower tone.