Tuning Favorite Cricket II tune so far! (Plus bonus trajectory results)

Let's get this out of the way, this Cricket II is my absolute favorite out of the three Kalibrguns I own.


This is a .22 Cricket II with a 450mm barrel. I also am fortunate enough to have a .22 Cricket II Tactical (600mm barrel) and a .25 original Cricket (600mm barrel).

By today's crazy standards, this Cricket II at about 37 fpe with 18 grain pellets, is not a huge powerhouse. This tune is running the factory reg pressure (presumably about 125 bar or 1813 psi) and I just brought up the hammer spring tension to max it out and then back down a bit and it settled on a speedy 960 - 970 fps with FX 18s. It's hard to know where you are in the HS adjustment range, so here's a pic:

hs adjuster.png

Yeah, this is a bit "hotter" than what's best for accuracy - I think that's more like 930 - 940 fps with this gun, but I was getting really excellent consistency with this stout hammer spring hit. Check this 3-mag (42 shot) string out. I was pretty surprised by the efficiency number here at this power.

6-29-22 Cricket II hi power.png

6-29-22 Cricket II hi power ES.png

You can see it drop off the reg shooting the 4th mag (56 shots):

6-29-22 Cricket II hi power full.png

Here's the trajectory info with this tune shooting FX 18s from 10 to 60 yards in 5 yard increments:

10y = -1.75 inches / + 4.5 md
15y = -1.25 inches / +2 md
20y = - .75 inches / +1 md
25y = - .50 inches / + .25 md
30y = zero
35y = +.50 inches / -.25 md
40y = +.50 inches / -.25 md
45y = zero
50y - -.50 inches / + .25 md
55y = -1 inches / + .50 md
60y = -1.25 inches / + .75 md

The scope is an Immersive Optics 10x24.

And the target used for testing this:


And for reference here is the target when doing the full string crony testing (45 yards, each group is a full clip). Wind was from my left to my right.


All-in-all this was a satisfying afternoon!

6-29-22 Cricket II hi power.png
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Coincidentally, since my impact has cratered and the maverick is in for catastrophic warranty work, I am relegated to my cricket 25. It is the original about 4 years old. I dont use it much because it's heavy. However I sight @ 25. Didn't take pictures. Progressed 80 yards putting 25g and 34g in an inch. If it was so heavy ( scoped out) and bulky to shoulder I'd use it more. It doesn't need regulator , valve adjustments. Set your hammer ( mine is 960 w/ 25g, 12 shots with NO ES or SD! Never more than a 5 es!) As a bench gun , hard to beat and NEVER a hitch. With the mods the new guns have, should be great guns.
I've read about the same issues with the FX impact from their owners.
A delicate gun and long waiting times for repairs here in Belgium and the Netherlands!
That's why I decided to buy the Cricket tactical 2 in the short 5.5mm version.
I know this one is heavy, but as a former soldier who walks around with a .50 with amo I don't think this is an issue.
Rather a bit heavier than a barrel that bends when you touch it ;)
I've read about the same issues with the FX impact from their owners.
A delicate gun and long waiting times for repairs here in Belgium and the Netherlands!
That's why I decided to buy the Cricket tactical 2 in the short 5.5mm version.
I know this one is heavy, but as a former soldier who walks around with a .50 with amo I don't think this is an issue.
Rather a bit heavier than a barrel that bends when you touch it ;)Red Phoenix, don't know your age. I'm an old soldier also and @ 71 I remember humping Bush with an M60 for 2 tours in an unnamed place. Weight is a KEY factor in my buying decisions. Might become one of yours in time!
I also pay attention to the weight of a rifle according to the target I have in mind.
Here you are not allowed to hunt and also no pest control with an air rifle!
so I'm only going to shoot at targets, and then a slightly heavier rifle is no problem!
By the way,
I served in the army for 40 years and am now retired
The FNC weighs 3,800 kg without cartridges and was our standard weapon and a full magazine 30 cartridges: 0,560 kg always have 6 with them and then our full equipment of about 15kg so what are we talking about?
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