Favorite Reticle and why

Call me crazy but I'm starting to like the Tremor3 reticle a lot


I use the tremor 3 and the Horus H102 Both are on hi end scopes , and I like them for the speed of holding , I also use a simple uncluttered mil reticles , I do like both , but for long range I would go with a clean reticle so as I can spot my vapor trials or see where I hit.

Both have pros and cons , but yes speed in wind is where the t3 and h102 shine ,I do like the H102 better as I seem to be a bit quicker with the egg shaped reticle ,



🔶 Favorite reticle — and why? 🔶

🔶(1) Holdoff reticle (with evenly spaced hash lines, not a BDC) — because I like to dial for elevation and hold for wind when I have the time, and hold off for both if it's a rushed shot.

🔶(2) FFP reticle/scope — because I want my holdoff mils to be the same no matter what magnification I consider best for the shot.

🔶(3) Thick black posts on the outsides of the reticle — so that I can still easily see the crosshairs even if the reticle has shrunk a lot because I selected a low magnification on my FFP scope.

🔶(4) The same units of measure for both reticle and turrets (either both MIL or both MOA) — so that I can memorize or carry with me just one dope chart — otherwise I'd need one for the reticle, and a different one for the turrets.

And so that when I see on my reticle that I've hit 1.3mil low and 0.7mil left on the target — I just dial exactly those numbers on the turrets and I'm dead on.

🔶(5) MIL rather than MOA — because in MIL I get to read and memorize less numbers, and don't need to convert 3.73moa to 3½ and 11.78moa to 11¾. 

And in MIL I don't need to calculate how many total clicks a dope is. In the MOA system 6¾ MOA equal 27 clicks. Compare the MIL system: 2.7 MIL equal 27 clicks. Plain and simple.

🔶(6) Numbers on the hash line (a few) — so that I can quickly find 7.5 mil without having to count seven hash lines down.

🔶(7) Illuminated reticle — as light isn't always good in factory buildings. And when the FFP is on low magnification the IR helps me see the hash lines better (no, I don't obsess over the half ounce of extra weight for the IR...! 😄).

Thankfully, scope makers have been giving us a good amount of these type of reticles, so there is some choice. 😊

Attached below as a good example the reticle on the Falcon S18i 3-18x50 FFP that checks all the boxes. 😄 

(Randy68's Arken SH4 does too, so does Haganaga's March FMA-2 and mikebeggs's Vector Taurus MPX1 👍🏼)




Some others on this forum are promoting high dollar scopes for their fine optical clarity and that's fine, but I would sacrifice some of that for a useful reticle.

I think it's more of an issue of tools for the job and preference. I've really liked looking at this thread b/c there's been some very wildly different reticles people claim to be their favorite. I do most of my shooting at 50m+ and don't like dialing a lot, so I like a scope with a lot of holdover points. But there are other guys who do that exact same style of shooting but like dialing for elevation, or even holding in space so there's no holdover points to potentially block the pellet impact. So I don't agree with saying that a busy reticle is not useful. I think part of it is the style of shooting you do. But like I said earlier, the interesting part of this has been seeing that even people who do the same style of shooting will have preferences that vary a lot. I'd like to maybe do a comparison of what styles are used by people in 25m vs 75 or 100m competitions.
There's this thing called "personal perspective" - we each see through our "own" lens of perspective. 

Often we can't relate to each other because we haven't used riflescopes the same way as other guys have. That's why jps2486 states what he does. He's a BR shooter and that's his lens of perspective. I'm guessing he uses the scoring rings for holdoff and dials elevation. What he sees as useless is absolutely useful to others like me.

So it's hilarious to me when he says things like this because I've won a long range steel series twice, holding over and off, """rarely dialing a turret""", with that "USELESS" H59 reticle, when all the other guys were dialing, lol. And there's reasons I thought holding over and off were more beneficial, which I apparently proved out.

Whatever, that's what's fun about forums, seeing how other people think about things.

I'm very picky about reticles myself so I don't want to be a hypocrite! BUT believe, me, you, me, you, me, there are some really stupid reticles out there, LOL!!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
There's this thing called "personal perspective" - we each see through our "own" lens of perspective. 

Often we can't relate to each other because we haven't used riflescopes the same way as other guys have. That's why jps2486 states what he does. He's a BR shooter and that's his lens of perspective. I'm guessing he uses the scoring rings for holdoff and dials elevation. What he sees as useless is absolutely useful to others like me.

So it's hilarious to me when he says things like this because I've won a long range steel series twice, holding over and off, """rarely dialing a turret""", with that "USELESS" H59 reticle, when all the other guys were dialing, lol. And there's reasons I thought holding over and off were more beneficial, which I apparently proved out.

Whatever, that's what's fun about forums, seeing how other people think about things.

I'm very picky about reticles myself so I don't want to be a hypocrite! BUT believe, me, you, me, you, me, there are some really stupid reticles out there, LOL!!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Please note that I showed 3 reticles. The cross hair dot for BR, the Hawke 1/2 mildot I use for HFT where I use holdover technique, and the MOA-2 for long range use. You are free to use what you like if you have good eyes.
🔶 Favorite reticle — and why? 🔶

🔶(1) Holdoff reticle (with evenly spaced hash lines, not a BDC) — because I like to dial for elevation and hold for wind when I have the time, and hold off for both if it's a rushed shot.

🔶(2) FFP reticle/scope — because I want my holdoff mils to be the same no matter what magnification I consider best for the shot.

🔶(3) Thick black posts on the outsides of the reticle — so that I can still easily see the crosshairs even if the reticle has shrunk a lot because I selected a low magnification on my FFP scope.

🔶(4) The same units of measure for both reticle and turrets (either both MIL or both MOA) — so that I can memorize or carry with me just one dope chart — otherwise I'd need one for the reticle, and a different one for the turrets.

And so that when I see on my reticle that I've hit 1.3mil low and 0.7mil left on the target — I just dial exactly those numbers on the turrets and I'm dead on.

🔶(5) MIL rather than MOA — because in MIL I get to read and memorize less numbers, and don't need to convert 3.73moa to 3½ and 11.78moa to 11¾. 

And in MIL I don't need to calculate how many total clicks a dope is. In the MOA system 6¾ MOA equal 27 clicks. Compare the MIL system: 2.7 MIL equal 27 clicks. Plain and simple.

🔶(6) Numbers on the hash line (a few) — so that I can quickly find 7.5 mil without having to count seven hash lines down.

🔶(7) Illuminated reticle — as light isn't always good in factory buildings. And when the FFP is on low magnification the IR helps me see the hash lines better (no, I don't obsess over the half ounce of extra weight for the IR...! 😄).

Thankfully, scope makers have been giving us a good amount of these type of reticles, so there is some choice. 😊

Attached below as a good example the reticle on the Falcon S18i 3-18x50 FFP that checks all the boxes. 😄 

(Randy68's Arken SH4 does too, so does Haganaga's March FMA-2 and mikebeggs's Vector Taurus MPX1 👍🏼)



...this would work...it doesn't make my brain hurt...