Features on the Impact make accuracy testing move much faster.

Here's my process: Chronograph all calibers (if you have more than one) and all settings on the power wheel. Write down this data. Go to the range and try all settings. BAM! What used to require taking a chronograph to the range, and fiddling with allen screws (not to mention removing stocks) can now be solved in a matter of minutes. All the chronograph work can be done at home, leaving me to stay focused and steady at the range.

In less than 20 minutes I had 48 shots on paper at 100 yards, and a clear answer to the most accurate velocity for this particular pellet.

(I have deliberately remained vague as to which caliber/pellet/velocity I used, as I am still collecting data in various shooting conditions. I will provide hard numbers in my "official" review of the gun - due out before Christmas. :)

"GLPalinkas"Ted, I want to know if you shot your own turkey...:D
ps I'm betting the 16-3 group is the .25 King Heavies.
Yes - okay - it was the King Heavies. :D But, all three groups were shot with the King Heavies. That is my point - velocity affects accuracy. :) And the power wheel on this gun allows for 12 different velocities - all about 10 - 30fps apart. What used to take me hours (and perhaps multiple trips to the range) to find the perfect speed for any given pellet now takes minutes.
Yes - okay - it was the King Heavies. :D But, all three groups were shot with the King Heavies. That is my point - velocity affects accuracy. :) And the power wheel on this gun allows for 12 different velocities - all about 10 - 30fps apart. What used to take me hours (and perhaps multiple trips to the range) to find the perfect speed for any given pellet now takes minutes.
Is there really twelve (12) different settings on the power wheel such as from start to finish [ Min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Max, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] or just seven (7) settings [Min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Max]

Yes - okay - it was the King Heavies. :D But, all three groups were shot with the King Heavies. That is my point - velocity affects accuracy. :) And the power wheel on this gun allows for 12 different velocities - all about 10 - 30fps apart. What used to take me hours (and perhaps multiple trips to the range) to find the perfect speed for any given pellet now takes minutes.
Is there really twelve (12) different settings on the power wheel such as from start to finish [ Min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Max, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] or just seven (7) settings [Min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Max]

Ronin, there are 12 settings. Max on one end of the knob - Min on the other end - and 1-5 on both sides. The design of the power knob makes one side slightly different from the other (about 10-15 fps on my gun). FX realized this could be confusing, so subsequent models will have "Max", "Min", "1-5", and A-E". This way there is no way to mix up the two sides. So, starting from the lowest power setting, it would increase as follows. Min...1...A...2...B...3...C.... ....Max.