Feel sick and happy at the same time?

. . . makes me feel sick to my stomach(for real) but happy at the same time for something hopefully amazing. Does anyone else get this weird feeling too?
First house I bought. First truly new car I bought. When I got a divorce. Every time I’ve ever really hung it out there to get what I wanted. Haven’t gotten to that point yet with airguns. Glad for you that you have something amazing coming your way.
Every time we eat out, buy groceries, fill up the truck, dam near anything that involves forking over cash these days. I think I'd feel less sick, forking it over for a new gun. At least it would be fun...
Exactly when you buy a new gun you have something you can keep forever, but when you buy groceries you eat them and well you know what happens to them after that :) Payed 34.00 for a box of 7.5 doz eggs today, a couple of yrs or so ago they were like 14.00.. Cost me at least 80-90 bucks to fill truck at current prices was costing 120-140 before prices went down..
With a gun you can always get most of your money back.
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Good luck with your new Ghost. I picked up a .25 cal Silver Ghost HP off the classifieds over the summer and really like it. My main gripe is the trigger, it's too heavy. So, I sent it to Tenacious Airguns ( @zx10wall - Derrick Wall ) for some tweaks. He's fixing the trigger, adding a barrel clamp ( not the tensioner ) tuning it up and adding a .22 cal barrel setup as well. I may have a hard time putting this rifle down after Derrick does his thing!!
It is a steep price, but as you will soon find, having it in your hands will be worth it, or not. The pictures and videos simply don’t do it justice. If by “weird feeling” you mean, holy heck, I am quite invested in this here airgun thing…? Then yes, I get the same feeling when I add up how much I have “invested🫣” in PCPs and the sundries to support them…🙈 If I had to do it all again? Heck yeah! Because the fun factor is through the roof for me…🙏
Seriously thinking about a certain BRK. But the sinking feeling is still there after the sweet feeling you made the right choice. They are overpricing PCPs in a serious way. Son and I picked up some small tools today. I got a FIX IT STICKS kit on sale from Midway USA. Added a small tool to the set for a dollar more for my block pistols. Everything else is mainly for scope mounting. If all is not level and square you will find niggling problems that are not always easy to find. The tutorials here are great to help prevent those problems. Be Well Brothers, dito.
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Sick yep. Just as has been mentioned I get a little bit woozy at the thoughts of groceries and gas stations. I am just a little terrified over taxes this year. Tomorrow is the appointment with the accountant and I am sweating bullets. I let my side business go quiet this year so my deductions or slim. But hey, life really is pretty dang good. Just have to pay some dues sometimes.:rolleyes: ...... And then back to hobby bliss!
First house I bought. First truly new car I bought. When I got a divorce. Every time I’ve ever really hung it out there to get what I wanted. Haven’t gotten to that point yet with airguns. Glad for you that you have something amazing coming your way.
i know the feeling.. my wife and i bought a house here in hawaii last february and moved in on may. we moved from california. i was sick to my stomach and didn’t have an appetite to eat because i wasn’t sure if i had made the right move. i was happy but felt sick lol shooting my guns in my backyard cured me
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I only feel sick when I spend more than I should. There’s a ton of guns out there and there’s no shame in starting with something under $2,000. You don’t have to go straight to the Ghost 😂
Already gave too much to FX for my pos Maverick, but I did sell that after getting it fixed. I guess it just seems excessive to me for something that shoots pellets, but they sure are fun.

I “had” to get new glass also, I mean I couldn’t have the new girl in old shoes lol
Grew up as the eldest of four kids and money was always tight. Raising my own family, with all the associated costs, left little cash for extras.

Living frugality my whole life has made me cautious and apprehensive about making large "unnecessary" purchases. That things cost way more than I remember doesn't help either - I'm from the 10 cent chocolate bar/soda pop/ice cream era 😉

Now retired, no mortgage, no loans, kids are gone. We live a quiet life and our modest income makes for comfortable living. I have more toys than I can justify. 😁

I worked in design and by necessity was very aware of what it costs to bring a product to market. Labour is not cheap, neither is the tooling, the materials, the whole infrastructure costs a fortune to run. To survive, a company has to be profitable.

Yeah, $2,000 is a chunk of change to drop on a pellet gun but keep in mind the expenses evolved... you can't get a chocolate bar for a dime anymore. Fortunately, there's lots of options available.

Just saying.

I get buyer’s remorse after buying pretty much anything entertainment/fun related when that purchase exceeds $500. The severity increases in direct proportion to the price. About the only time it hasn’t kicked in, was when we bought our second Mercedes Sprinter. Even though buyer’s remorse on the first was a soul crushing experience, number 2 was all smiles and sunshine. I’m much more fatalistic when it comes to must have items even when they cost more than I feel like they should. I don’t like it, but it just is what it is. Alternatively I get downright giddy spending ready cash on things with true investment potential, often even when that potential is far from assured. One day that last thing is probably gonna bite me in the a$$. 😁
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