Feinwerkbrau power adjustments ?

Can the FWB 800 Basic rifle have the power out- put increased ? The FWB 800 basic field target is advertised at 900 FPS. The standard FWB 800 Basic is rated at 565 FPS. There is a thousand dollar difference in price, which buys air and a scope. Does anybody know if the 800 Basic can be increased to say 750-800 FPS in .177 with a relatively easy or inexpensive fix. I would like to purchase a PCP and use it as an all around rifle. I love the Feinwerkbrau I have in .22lr and would like to have an air rifle as well , I just don't want to 2,500 if I can buy the 800 Basic and tune up the power the FWB would be top of my list.

Thanks ,

Thank you for the fast and very in depth reply. This is exactly the sort of advice and opinion I was hoping to get. Which is to say, one based on experience and an actual working knowledge of the rifles in question. I have Annie's as well as BSA Martini's and an older FWB all in .22lr I am assuming if one barrel is more accurate at a certain distance , then it must connected somehow to rate of twist ? I was planning to use this rifle ( my first PCP by the way ) as a hunter , plinker , and part time FT at the local club. However I do not wish to make my first PCP a 2,500 gun plus 1,000 in air and scope. That is the reason I was hoping for a simple power adjust on the 800 basic rather than 2,500 for the basic FT 800. My original thought was an AAS510 in walnut or a Daystate regal also walnut with a Hawke 3-12 sidewinder. I have spring guns and a daisy Avanti 853 legend which we use in the back yard . There are a small group of us and we have fierce but friendly competitions twice a month. However we also hunt small game and there fore the need for a little more speed in a .177 FWB FT Basic 900 FPS or the other rifle in a .22 . The 565 FPS of a 10 meter gun wont work as an all around rifle. Again I cannot thank you enough for saving me from making a huge and very expensive mistake. Are there publications which show the service's needed and the methods to preform them out there. I am an in home gunsmith on all my powder burners ,but as yet have not endeavored to enter the world of Airguns.
Thanks again,

Excellent !, Az being new to this forum and air guns in general ,you cannot imagine how wonderful it is to find such helpful folks who are so generous with their experience. I really love the look of the Daystate Regal xl and the AAS510 as well in walnut. I am thinking .22 as I have a few springer's in .177 already. perhaps I will split the difference and get both the 800 basic in .177 and the Daystate in a .22 for hunting. I do not wish to modify anything as I believe most quality rifles are fully capable of out shooting me for sure. I believe I will pick up a Daystate .22 first an living here in the so cal mountain/high desert area provides lots of opportunities for , jacks , quail , cottons and birds. this will be my first air gun hunting season and I am so excited to get started. Again I thank so much for taking the time and the review on the Daystate is greatly appreciated . I have watched several on you tube, but the written explanation of the rifle and the attempt to regulate and the results have not been lost on me and have helped a great deal in making a final decision . I will post pics and a review when I pick it up.

Thanks again AZ,
