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Field Target club in Iowa

I think that is a bit advanced for now. I am starting from scratch with this group. There are only a couple people that actually own air rifles at this point. We all know getting 12 perfect shots is impossible but beginnings won’t think so. Then they will be hooked.
I agree. That was my sarcasm peaking out
Have you ever had a fly land on your target while shooting? No way to resist that shot.
That immediately make my crosshairs move over, no matter the distance.
100 yards + the flies do stand a chance, but only due to me being forced to shoot the .177 caliber and the challenges it entail, if i had .22 they would all be in mortal danger landing on my papers.
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I am pleased to announce that I am joining the West Liberty gun club.
Located in West Liberty Iowa . I plan to use the beautiful facility as a home base for the Iowa Field Target Association starting in 2025.
Things are shaping up.

Currently after two month there are nineteen members in the facebook group. I post up videos everyday showing anything I can find about airguns. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please help me think of content.
and please join just to help boost numbers and start some conversation. Iowa has very little exposure to airguns.
this is the link to the group.

Iowa Field Target Association
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I am pleased to announce that I am joining the West Liberty gun club.
Located in West Liberty Iowa . I plan to use the beautiful facility as a home base for the Iowa Field Target Association starting in 2025.
Things are shaping up.

Currently after two month there are nineteen members in the facebook group. I post up videos everyday showing anything I can find about airguns. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please help me think of content.
and please join just to help boost numbers and start some conversation. Iowa has very little exposure to airguns.
this is the link to the group.

Iowa Field Target Association
It's great to hear you are going to start an FT club in Iowa! Feel free to reach out to AAFTA if you have questions or need some help. If you decide to join AAFTA as a member-club, you can have access to our resources for clubs.
Jeff Cloud
AAFTA Chairman
[email protected]
It's great to hear you are going to start an FT club in Iowa! Feel free to reach out to AAFTA if you have questions or need some help. If you decide to join AAFTA as a member-club, you can have access to our resources for clubs.
Jeff Cloud
AAFTA Chairman
[email protected]

I have already talked to them. I got fantastic advice and they are full of very helpful resources.

I am getting things in place. But I have to get people now. That is the point of the Facebook group. I need to get everyone on one page.
I would be more focused on finding people who actually are interested in shooting field target than putting air gun related content on a FB page. If you found one or two people that were truly interested in shooting FT than work on what's needed to have a FT match. This is coming from someone who started a club shooting FT during Covid. Our first match was restricted to 10 shooters and now has grown into us holding Grand Prix events and even put in for holding the nationals.

In the mean time perhaps attend a FT Grand Prix or go to some matches and see what's involved. It's a lot of work but if you build it people will come. Of course the first thing you need to do is find a place to have matches....2nd invest in 30 targets.
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I shot field target monthly in Maryland for a couple years . I really learned a lot from that group because they were so well organized.
I attended the US nationals in 2015 and have been to a number of other competitions.
This is my plan. I figure a lot of people use Facebook. And there are four or five big airgun forums. I have threads about the Facebook group on all the forums. That way when someone goes looking for any Iowa based airgun activity the thread will show up and hopefully guide them to the Facebook group.
Next I get say 250 people in that group. I have 20 in two month so far.
I need to see where they all live to decide on a location .But I need to get shooting. So I joined the range that will probably have the best facilities to build a field target corse. The one I found has that and they are happy to host field target, beach rest what ever I want.

So step 1 is to get a place to shoot. After talking to the AAFTA folks. One big thing is consistency. So I am going to post up my schedual and be out at the range every Saturday morning with my set up. Doing scope proofing and practicing. I have an open invitation for people to join me. Out of 250 people in the group I would hope to get five or six that can show up to shoot. I have targets and a chronograph to check power levels. Even extra guns loan people.

But it’s getting people . And that’s the challenge. This is also Iowa. You can’t got outside for four months. I think getting into a cheap indoor thing might be a gateway to wanting to shoot more.

And posting content every day. Is tough. I try to theme each week with different topics . Last week I talked about 10 meter indoor. And I am starting an indoor monthly target challenge.
I was a member of the DIFTA group in Maryland. The match director named Palo was fantastic. The group had been around for a very long time. Actually started with Tom Gaylord. So things ran smoothly.
I hope copy the style they had . Friendly inviting atmosphere. A cookout after the match . And the corse was always challenging enough that you can shoot a corse. But no one ever cleared the corse.
This is the Iowa Field Target Association update for the end of the year 2024

The Facebook group has almost at 25 members!

We still need to keep growing the Facebook group. So join if you want and tell your friends.


Over the winter I need to get together with the gun range officials so I can get to work building an airgun field target corse.

I need to get a lot of stuff together.

This is what I plan for the first competition.

The plan is 15 targets in five lanes. There will be three targets per lane. Each target will be between 10-55 yards apart. You will have seven minutes per lane. Two shots per target. And we will go through the corse twice for a total of 60 shots. The reason for going through the corse twice and two shots per target are two fold. We only have a limited number of targets. And most people are new at this. Having four chances to hit the target is a good learning curve. The corse will not be difficult at first.

I will use the Troyer scale for each corse.

There will be a sighting in range set up with a chronograph.

We will have hunter and open class of both PCP and spring guns.

We will set up in squads of three or four.

And have a cookout with some burgers or something directly afterward. This is done while all the scores are tabulated.

We will work out the details about a field target competition schedule for the spring summer and fall.

At this point I plan to be at the range every Saturday morning till around noon. And have a competition for the last Sunday or Saturday of the month. But that’s in the details. In the mean time keep practicing.
the first shipment of targets have arrived!

Big thanks to OKAirgunner and Pyramid Air for getting me a great deal and helping me get the club started.

The Iowa Field Target Association monthly report.

The Facebook group has 27 members as of January 31st.

Not much activity but it is there and I post up videos that I hope will get people interested or at least aware of airguns. I am mainly focused on education at this point . But I think I’ll move back toward field target specific content. As the season draws near.

I am in contact with the gun club and will start to discuss airgun activity when it’s appropriate. At this point I don’t have enough information to put together a proposal that can be submitted to the board. I am confident it will be all good. But it’s a process.

I have ten targets all modified and a proposal written. It’s just waiting for the weather to brake.

If you are interested in joining the Facebook group. I would appreciate it. And if anyone wants to have an airgun discussion. It might help the majority of the group. Because most don’t have airguns yet.

IFTA monthly report

This is the February 2025 monthly report from the Iowa Field Target Association.

The Facebook group has 31 members .

The weather has switched from deadly cold to just cold and windy. So going outside is now possible.

I had had a meeting with the range officer from the gun club. So after talking with both the secretary and the range officer I feel they are going to be very receptive to my proposal.

I got a chance to get boots on the ground at the range. It is much different than I expected. I have been just using old Google earth images. Actually going and looking at it the area. The tree growth in much more than I expected . The area to the north is wide open and once the place is cleaned up it will be ideal. I think I can set up six to ten lanes with a sight in range and scope proofing range very easily.

The ground is a tall dry grass fire hazard at this point so cleaning it all up and making an airgun range will be a very good addition to the club.

My proposal is to build a permanent airgun range for club use and have it set up to hold monthly field target competitions. We can even have a couple sausages on the grill while scores are tabulated and the corse brakes down. It might take a couple months to get everything approved by the board of directors and then voted on by the club. But I think it is all good.

I have one month before the next board meeting. I need to get the proposal to the RO and President for review. Then it will be brought up in the board meeting as a line item.

Hopefully we can have a competitive event in the late summer or fall.

This is a link to the Facebook group. Please join and help bring Field Target to Iowa.
