I have to say, in my own personal experience its not even the equipment that trumps all but good equipment with ACCURATE DOPE AND RANGING trumps all. I have to ask this...how much better can you be sitting on a bucket and sticks today vs doing it 1,000 times? I don't believe that just because you sat and shot 1,000 times your going to hit that 3/8" KZ 100 more times than if your ranging was off or dope was off and you corrected it.
I have experienced this myself as well as heard it at every single match I have attended. Yes you need an accurate gun but the gun that holds MOA vs the gun that holds sub MOA are still equal on an 1.5" paddle. Its the guy that ranges it at 48yds vs the guy that ranges it at 54yds that makes the difference every time.
Again, my own personal experience. I practice shooting tiny stuff, 1/4" and such to test my data! I move and I'm shaky a bit. But I have missed more shots from bad data over it being a $3,000 gun vs a $600 gun. Yes wind and environmental factors are always there. Remove them and your left with data! Some spend more time acquiring gear rather than perfecting it (GUILTY!!!!). I don't care what gun you use as long as its X accurate at whatever distance. If your data is off, you aren't hitting everything!
Ill say this, I have different setups like some of you. I have a Marauder with Hawke scope. The gun is not the holding back factor, I am with my lack of perfecting my data at close and long range and ranging. I also have a Wolverine with Sightron S3. Its more accurate than the Marauder but ive missed more shots with the Wolverine because my data was off.
There's something to the whole beware of a guy with 1 guy vs a guy with 100 guns. That comes into play here. Those that spend the time with good enough equipment perfecting their data and ranging will win hands down. Hand anyone a setup thats dialed and they will do amazing! Sub 12fpe is a different story in the sense of wind and body positional. Same deal, if your data is off, no hit targets!
Not tooting my own horn, I haven't done anything special or that hasn't already been done but to prove my point, the gear is only part of it, but I feel the data is the highest ranked piece of the puzzle here. The guys that "practice" are perfecting data or practicing off hand. I get the offhand practice, nothing can substitute that.
Yes, thats me shooting the Marauder in which I tied for 2nd at the Burning River GP 2024 and was in a shoot off against a Red Wolf and Thomas. I suck at positional and pressure so naturally I lost it but it wasn't the guns fault. That was nerves mainly. I suck at all shoot offs!
Ask Tyler P, his courses are long typically and he does this as the long shots seem to be the toughest. Good data is key here.
Rambled enough here, hope it makes sense. Practice off hand and perfect your data and you will place in the top every time. Learn wind and you will win every time lol.
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