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Field Target is an arms race.

While I have one of these scopes (got it in a package deal), I actually prefer my Hawke Sidewinder SFP for Hunter. Ive even thought about trading the S3 for 2 Hawkes! But now Im exploring other classes and kind of need the 50x the S3 offers so its not costing me anything to have it or play in other classes.
Have to say my favorite setup so far has been my Marauder with Hawke scope. Accurate enough to play with the big rigs in Hunter. Kind of want another to toy with it at 12fpe and see how she does.
I love shooting FT but also like toying with different guns so I find myself changing setups every year lol. 2025 with be my 3rd season and already have a different gun setup for it than i had for 2024 lol! Leaves a lot of frustration out there for myself since I cant stay put but I haven't found that magic setup just yet that I absolutely love in all aspects. May never. Arms race...maybe. I just think people like buying shiny things and if they have the money to burn, they will. I would too.
Theres so many different guns id love to try but the price tag prevents me from doing so.
I find it a hoot to try lots of different guns, and lots of different scopes and then i mix and match them as if to pair different cheese with different wines. Still looking for the perfect pairing but thats part of the fun.... the hunt.
Pistol limited FT is stupid hard. Easily the hardest ft class I've competed in.
I dont see a specific outline for Limited rules on the aafta handbook page. They reference "Limited Rules as outlined above" without the outline above lol. I see it was renamed from open to limited, is it Open rules then? Confused now.
I find it a hoot to try lots of different guns, and lots of different scopes and then i mix and match them as if to pair different cheese with different wines. Still looking for the perfect pairing but thats part of the fun.... the hunt.
Same. I also have this thing where I like trying to do well with "lower" quality or priced gear. Kind of want to make the cheapest setup I can just to see how well I can do with it. PCP Hunter of course. Currently have a $95 scope on my $500 Mrod. Just started getting the ranging and dope going so we will see.
Sir, you must remember that price is relative to ones income and spending habits...
i know plenty of underemployed peeps rocking the latest $1k plus cellphones who hit starbucks everyday.
i try not to limit my perception of others material acqusitions, like (the average joe), based on my perceptions of what is expensive to me or other people. For many, a grand up front is nada issue yet for some it's a trip to the moon. Shooters gonna shoot what shooters wanna shoot and that's a good thing.

Page 4, post #64

Yep, "expensive" and "cheap" are all relative.
I dont see a specific outline for Limited rules on the aafta handbook page. They reference "Limited Rules as outlined above" without the outline above lol. I see it was renamed from open to limited, is it Open rules then? Confused now.
I think you misunderstood the wording and I get that. Limited is per the rules defined above that statement, so all of the rules listed 1-18 apply to Limited pistol. Hunter pistol rules are also as defined rules in 1-18, with specici exceptions listed in that line.
Hope that helps.
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Or that a guy needs at least a $1000 scope to even be in the hunt?

Yeah, World's and travel to and fro is another $$$ aspect. Most of those guys are serious enough to not be bringing a Versa (even a Versa with a new motor) to such a big competition.
There really wasn't anything to indicate that one *needs* a $1000 scope to be in the game. Only that the folks that were in the game had spent (at least) that much. Hardly surprising. Someone with financial wherewithal to attend has probably wondered if a better scope would benefit them, and tried it out. Finding that the more expensive scope at least did not hinder their progress, they kept it. As I noted - it probably cost most competitors in excess of $1000 just to participate (travel, food, lodging, match fees). So it's not surprising that those that would part with over $1000 to participate in a match would also have parted with over $1000 for a scope - if only to find out whether it helped or not. None of that proves, or even suggests, that that expenditure is required.

It's pretty rare to see a top competitor with low-end gear. Not because they couldn't win with that, but because their gear reflects their commitment to the sport and it probably does give them that *tiny* advantage that only counts when you're at the top, competing with others that are at the top. Rest assured their are wealthy also-rans with even better equipment at the bottom of any large clubs score sheets.

When I played shotgun games, there was a fellow (Robert, I don't know that I ever knew his last name) that shot a $7500 shotgun most of the time. He'd clean everyone's clock, it was very rare to see him miss. Of course the guys with the $1000 shotguns (that's "cheap" for an over/under) that were shooting 18/24 at skeet (not competitive) would frquently comment on his superior equipment. Robert apparently took quiet umbrage and begin shooting the first match of every month (weekly matches) with a beat-up Remington 870. For those not familiar, that's a cheap, but sound, pump action shotgun (NO ONE shoots pump at trap or skeet except the brand new guy...) and still kicked everyone's butt. Every time. Those who credited someone's SKB or Perazzi for a win were thereafter invited to come shoot skeet (with Robert) on the first match of the month...

Yes, it's a totally different game, but I've seen the same thing play out in rifle and pistol sports as well - Robert just went that extra length to make it all so very apparent.

I've got $1 that says the guy (or gal) that won at WFTF would still bury most with a Maurader that had a Monstrum scope...

I think you misunderstood the wording and I get that. Limited is per the rules defined above that statement, so all of the rules listed 1-18 apply to Limited pistol. Hunter pistol rules are also as defined rules in 1-18, with specici exceptions listed in that line.
Hope that helps.
reading now, lack of any support other than that of the body without additional aids does seem tough! Ill have to try this for fun!
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I must be getting old because when I read this thread all I want to do is tell stories.

Here's a funny equipment race story.
I had mentioned somewhere here on AN about a bunch of guys I know who bought refurb Red Ryder BB guns on sale for our groups informal comps. The guy who decided to host these events said right off the bat that "no modifying was allowed" and we all agreed.

After the first match it was obvious that some of the guns shot like crap, most shot average, and some shot pretty good. For context most of us are pretty good shots and would normally share the wins when using our 22rf's.
Back to the BB guns, it's not easy driving a shotgun shell hull off the end of a garage floor with a RR if the gun has a hard time hitting a water bottle.

Can you guess what happened next?! The host, the same guy that said no modifying, because he was one of the unlucky few that got a crappy gun, had modded his, LOL!!!!!!! He put lead weights in the tube under the barrel, did a trigger job, and I can't remember what else, but his gun didn't shoot much if any better.

The writing was on the wall so to speak. Almost everyone showed up at the next match with modded RR's. This guy's brother had fastened a laser to his plus all the other mods and his shot well to begin with. We also found out that a particular brand of BB shot a little better. Ha, he had a drinking problem so the longer we shot the worse he got, LOL.

That all went on for a few months and all of sudden we lost interest. That brother of the host would bring his RR with laser to camp and at night by the campfire we'd shoot cans out in the woods from the hip with his gun which was pretty fun.

But it kinda shows how human nature is, lol.
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I must be getting old because when I read this thread all I want to do is tell stories.

Here's a funny equipment race story.
I had mentioned somewhere here on AN about a bunch of guys I know who bought refurb Red Ryder BB guns on sale for our groups informal comps. The guy who decided to host these events said right off the bat that "no modifying was allowed" and we all agreed.

After the first match it was obvious that some of the guns shot like crap, most shot average, and some shot pretty good. For context most of us are pretty good shots and would normally share the wins when using our 22rf's. It's not easy driving a shotgun shell hull off the end of a garage floor with a RR if the gun has a hard time hitting a water bottle.

Can you guess what happened next?! The host, the same guy that said no modifying, because he was one of the unlucky few that got a crappy gun, had modded his, LOL!!!!!!! He put lead weights in the tube under the barrel, did a trigger job, and I can't remember what else, but his gun didn't shoot much if any better.

The writing was on the wall so to speak. Almost everyone showed up at the next match with modded RR's. This guy's brother had fastened a laser to his plus all the other mods and his shot well to begin with. We also found out that a particular brand of BB shot a little better. Ha, he had a drinking problem so the longer we shot the worse he got, LOL.

That all went on for a few months and all of sudden we lost interest.

But it kinda shows how human nature is, lol.

I like that Steve.
Maybe I should change that title to "Field target is human nature on display." And human nature is an arms race where competition is involved.
Some tidbit factoids from the latest WFTF Worlds. In terms of $ spent on the top 20 competitors.

Delta Stryker 5-50 was the winner took the #1 spot with a very modest price $1530.00
March scopes were the most popular and generally are the most expensive, (8 in play) they placed 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 18th
March scopes in play ranged from $2300. to over $3500.00
4 Niko Sterlings, 2nd place, 10th place, 13th, 19th place $600.00
4 Falcons, they took 11th, 15th, 16th, and 20th place $1100.00
2 were Sightrons S3 = 3rd place and 17th place $1579.00.
1 Kahles took 8th place $3400.00

What one could infer from this list of the top 20 WFTF Worlds is that Paying the most for glass e.g. March Scopes = (arms race) did not result in a podium spot.

Above was about glass (scopes) but looking at the top three podium spots for the Rifles used in PCP:

The AA XTI50 took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and it costs $4000.00.
An oddball, an ISP Airstream MK3 took 4th place
A Walther LG400 took 5th place
An FX Impact took 6th place
The Thomas at a very similar price point to the AA XTI50, grabbed 7th, 9th and 11th places.
A Daystate Redwolf took 8th place
A Steyr LG110 took 10th place

quite the mix!
Again, Cameron Kerndt took 1st in the WFTF Piston class with a $600 Athlon Heras 15-60x56. He used Falcon, x50 and Delta Stryker 5-50 in the past. He switched because the Athlon is clearer, ranges/snaps better and is NOT temp sensitive. Some won't try it because it's less expensive and they can't believe it's better while costing less.
Again, Cameron Kerndt took 1st in the WFTF Piston class with a $600 Athlon Heras 15-60x56. He used Falcon, x50 and Delta Stryker 5-50 in the past. He switched because the Athlon is clearer, ranges/snaps better and is NOT temp sensitive. Some won't try it because it's less expensive and they can't believe it's better while costing less.
Cam .... is awesome! Because of several AGN members, I am using the Athlon Heras 6-24x50 30mm tube on one HFT gun and the Athlon Helos 6-24x50 34 mm tube on my EFT rig. I also chose the Athlon Helos 2-12x44 for my HFT pistol... haven't reset my dope yet but i am looking forward to it. I do like Sightrons S3's just wish they had some more markings within the reticle.
keeping the post on track... is it still an arms race if we have more than one pistol or rifle for field target or?
To be a race, every race must have a starting line and a finish line.
Keeping the post on track... is it still an arms race if we have more than one pistol or rifle for field target or?
To be a race, every race must have a starting line and a finish line.

Yep. Since the lines are blurred between my (apparently) abrasive term of "arms race" and the recent insertion of "human nature"....yeah, more than one gun is still the same thing. I've got four 19fpe guns that could be shot in a match right now, well one of those four needs better dope...the existence of all four ties back to the pursuit of better performance. And to reiterate how intrinsic big money is to field target, the scope/gun total of those four is just shy of 10k. And that doesn't include paying for machining work on rebarells, or side wheels. Despite my bluntness, I'm right there with most of you guys as far as throwing money at this silly game.

So....arms race/human nature/pursuit of "better."

Puhtato puhtahto. All the same thing, calling it one versus the other just makes guys mad. 😂

And no, there doesn't appear to be a finish line to this arms race. Even though I tell myself I'm happy with current stable, and that any of the four (and the extra barrels I have for each of those four) can and has won matches, I still can't help but wondering if there's something better or that would give me a slightly larger competitive edge.
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wondering if there's something better or that would give me a slightly larger competitive edge.
Talk loud all the time, talk with people addressing their lane, create chaos in general ..... when your time to shoot, put on some noise canceling headphones and get after it !!! You will have MADE an advantage, if only for a short spell (y) :ROFLMAO:
Yep. Since the lines are blurred between my (apparently) abrasive term of "arms race" and the recent insertion of "human nature"....yeah, more than one gun is still the same thing. I've got four 19fpe guns that could be shot in a match right now, well one of those four needs better dope...the existence of all four ties back to the pursuit of better performance. And to reiterate how intrinsic big money is to field target, the scope/gun total of those four is just shy of 10k. And that doesn't include paying for machining work on rebarells, or side wheels. Despite my bluntness, I'm right there with most of you guys as far as throwing money at this silly game.

So....arms race/human nature/pursuit of "better."

Puhtato puhtahto. All the same thing, calling it one versus the other just makes guys mad. 😂

And no, there doesn't appear to be a finish line to this arms race. Even though I tell myself I'm happy with current stable, and that any of the four (and the extra barrels I have for each of those four) can and has won matches, I still can't help but wondering if there's something better or that would give me a slightly larger competitive edge.

I don't think anything will outperform your non reg, latter gen, USFT for FT. That's a soft and precise shooting rifle, no POI shifts, and nothing much to go wrong. As solid as it gets.
I get bored with one setup and have to change things up. Keeps it fun for me. Some of it is yes can I get better accuracy but I also like shiny new toys. So off it goes and in comes a new to me one.
Id gladly sell a very accurate rifle (thinking about selling my Wolverine that has done me well this past season). Thats irrelevant to me. I just like the pellet testing, getting dope etc...Like I need an excuse to shoot!
Talk loud all the time, talk with people addressing their lane, create chaos in general ..... when your time to shoot, put on some noise canceling headphones and get after it !!! You will have MADE an advantage, if only for a short spell (y) :ROFLMAO:
I'll tell you what will give someone a disadvantage, that's putting your gun off to the side on a cradle, which had cheap rings, and having somebody trip over it slamming it to the ground. :eek:

I put it in a case now and use expensive rings.
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