Field testing Epoch Compact started

For a couple weeks I’ve been testing out the Skout compact. Not hard core all day in the woods, but easing into it. Today I finally had my phone with me so I took a carcass pic and figured I would post it. Everything I’ve shot has been 75-125 yards. This guy was in and out of my neighbors steel equipment building as the neighbor and I stood on the road talking. So I went in, screwed on the bottle, got the chick in the grip talking, then set up at 122 yards. My strelok and my real world aren’t jiving with this setup so I shot over it with my first shot. Subtracted seven clicks like I had to on the last critter at 110 yards. Next shot was a pop and a hit exactly where I was aiming.

Not sure if I’ve ever seen a Skout in the hunting section of this forum. So here’s one. It’s freakin deadly.
