Filling PCP tanks locally

Maybe, mine wouldn't even give me a reason and that is okay. I learned a long time ago people won't do what they don't want to do.
That applied to the Dive Shop I'd been using for almost a year, the guys were always obliging, they got some gal in there and it was excuse after excuse as to how they couldn't do it. I spent the wife's fun money on a compressor. I'm healing well, thanks for asking.
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Just got a tank and have been calling around to see about getting it filled. My plan was to find a firehouse that fills them and show up with 8lbs of shredded bbq for them all to eat.

Plan shot down as they told me they won't fill the tanks locally. At least I have dive shops locally. I don't see what the issue is when our taxes paid for the equipment they use and the tank is certified and in date.

Anyone else have trouble with their local Fire departments too?
Most FD's won't and often simply can't fill because liability insurance only will cover FD certified equipment.
It's especially true for self-insured or small volunteer depts.
I feel like it’s a bad look for this hobby to ask a fire department to fill your airtank. Unless you had a really good personal relationship with someone on the force first and asked them in private. But otherwise this seems like a terrible idea, idk just what comes to mind…
I was on the sheriffs dept dive team for 18 years. We filled our team tanks at the local FD. They didn’t care what tanks we filled, team or personal tanks. Everything was filled in a containment cabinet so personnel were safe. But if a tank, especially a personal tank ever exploded, there would be hell to pay.
I would say, if anybody wants free air, join a volunteer fire dept, you’ll learn a lot. But make sure they have a compressor first. 😂
As noted above most FDs won't fill due to liabilities. You could ask any FD where they get there SCBA equipment - purchased - recertified - repaired at? If someplace local or within a fair amount of drive time, I'm sure that business would take you on for refills, recertifies etc.
^^^This. Find the Fire Equipment Supply company they use for gear, tanks, truck repairs, etc and go see them if it's a reasonable drive. The one near me does hydro testing, fills tanks and does it while you wait.
For me it was either that or buy a compressor and I'm not ready to spring for one, let alone have a place to even put
Just got a tank and have been calling around to see about getting it filled. My plan was to find a firehouse that fills them and show up with 8lbs of shredded bbq for them all to eat.

Plan shot down as they told me they won't fill the tanks locally. At least I have dive shops locally. I don't see what the issue is when our taxes paid for the equipment they use and the tank is certified and in date.

Anyone else have trouble with their local Fire departments too?
It's a legal issue.
Just got a tank and have been calling around to see about getting it filled. My plan was to find a firehouse that fills them and show up with 8lbs of shredded bbq for them all to eat.

Plan shot down as they told me they won't fill the tanks locally. At least I have dive shops locally. I don't see what the issue is when our taxes paid for the equipment they use and the tank is certified and in date.

Anyone else have trouble with their local Fire departments too?
I wouldn’t call it “trouble” as a rule using city or government equipment for personal reasons is not permitted. Then there are liability issues. Pay the dive shop, problem solved - but many don’t fill past 3500 psi?
Is your tanks hydro test current?
They are fire fighters, not tank fillers.. Liability is the reason..
Local dive shops have clean dry air and it's not too expensive usually.
This guy knows.

It's all about liability thanks to our litigious society. 30 years ago, probably no issue... Now... no way.

Problem with dive shops (at least the two by me) was they never would go to the full 4500psi , they would go 3600 to 3800 max. Says it was too hard on there compressor

Which is why I used them for about a year or so why I saved for a Coltri. Now I'm air independent.

Best thing I ever did.
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Just got a tank and have been calling around to see about getting it filled. My plan was to find a firehouse that fills them and show up with 8lbs of shredded bbq for them all to eat.

Plan shot down as they told me they won't fill the tanks locally. At least I have dive shops locally. I don't see what the issue is when our taxes paid for the equipment they use and the tank is certified and in date.

Anyone else have trouble with their local Fire departments too?
Why would a fire house fill your tank. Unless you work at a fire Station good luck lol. You get your tanks fill at your local paintball shop. These pcp tanks are the same as paintball tanks. So your best bet is try your local paintball. Or just get a Yong heng. They are cheap like $200. Will fill your tanks and gun. Or if you have the money, there are $5000 compressor that will do it quicker.