Tuning Finally! A Lube Specifically for PCP Airgun Regulators! REG BUTTER!

I really appreciate all the support from you guys on my 1st product drop. Reg Butter WILL make your gun perform better, especially in the cold! I take a lot of pride in this product and I've been making & using it myself for 20+ years. Now that I have the formula perfected, I'm offering it to the market at large. I already have a post about this in the classifieds, but I just dropped a video on my Reg Butter and here it is:

And here is the product description:

Have you ever done maintenance to your regulator, but wondered if you were really using the right lube? Everyone has! Because up until now there has never been a product specifically designed to lubricate high-pressure paintball and PCP airgun regulator pistons for competition-grade performance!

Enter Air Shootist’s Reg Butter! Designed by competitors – for competitors!

Specifically formulated for lubrication of pneumatic regulator pistons, Reg Butter is made from a proprietary blend of 100% food-grade silicone products to ensure safety under high pressure while providing the most buttery slick performance-enhancing experience you could ever expect to achieve from your regulator! Well-proven in competition, and one tin will last the average guy a lifetime!

  • Faster recharge rates
  • Better cold weather performance
  • Lengthened maintenance intervals
  • Enhanced longevity of o-ring lifespans
  • Can be used not only for regulators but for all static & dynamic seals on paintball guns and airguns
  • Non-toxic, noncombustible blend ensures all around safety
Pick up a tin today and rev up the performance of that regulator!

Usage directions:

  • De-gas your gun and ensure there is no residual pressure remaining before disassembly!
  • Disassemble your regulator, carefully clean off existing grease / oil.
  • In case of any settling, give the Reg Butter a quick stir with an allen key or toothpick
  • Take a dab of Reg Butter between your fingers and apply a modest layer onto your regulator piston head, taking special care to work a little bit of it in the recesses between any o-rings and the piston material. You can also butter up the piston shaft and even the Belleville washers or spring contact points.
  • Reassemble your gun, gas it up, and watch your level of performance improve!