Finally Built A Shooting Bench

The day I build mine I have to consider a method to keep wasps from building nests underneath the bench, along with the mud dubber’s. That’s the last thing I need, to be messing with HPA and have those things come out and swarm all over me, lol

I have that issue now. Mud daubers arent very aggressive, but wasps... yes. In my shooting bench, I have some smaller cubby holes on the bottom that I filled in with expanding foam to keep out wasps. The larger section, I've just gotten used to checking before I use it. Got nailed last year so only took once for me to learn to check!
The day I build mine I have to consider a method to keep wasps from building nests underneath the bench, along with the mud dubber’s. That’s the last thing I need, to be messing with HPA and have those things come out and swarm all over me, lol

Paint those areas underneath with used motor oil, preferably from a diesel.