Finally Tried JTS Pellets

After using mainly JSB's and mostly shooting 25 cal I continued on with the 22 cals I had on hand with my Krait. I noticed one or two fliers per mag and attributed it to getting the Krait settled in but it continued. With or without a mod to eliminate clipping potential. It didn't matter.
I remembered reading on here a while back about the issues with the 22 cal JSB's. I also was going to try JTS pellets before but they were hard to find in stock. No there's no issue so I ordered some 16 grains............
They honestly have a different feel from the JSB's even when loading the mags.
After 250 rounds not a single flier.
I guess I'm a more consistent shot than I thought. Now I'll have to blame misses on unexpected gale force winds. LOL

The interesting thing is my 25 cal JSB's are spot on..........
I have a few tins of the JTS 10.3s coming on the slow truck from Utah. The .22 22.x grain pellets and .30 45 grain pellets were both very good quality so I’m hopeful (as always) for these 10.3s. I hope they try making something closer to the 13.4s because two of my guns are very well tuned for those.
You are the cat's meow. I so much enjoy shooting with you.

No matter what caliber I bring to the range you always walk over and say "Here.....try these." I now have 4 tins of @degeesaman "Here try these".

I could come to the range with a 23.005703 caliber rifle and you would walk over and say " Here try these, none of my three 23.005703 rifles likes them."
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I got a free tin of JTS’s from the vendor at the PACup a couple of weeks ago. 177/8.7. At first I didn’t think my gun liked them , for. some reason I couldn’t get them to group. Well, that changed today. We are getting some of the wind from Helen up in n central Ohio. I was advised to shoot in the wind, it,lol teach you a lot. Any way after a bit of scope adjustment these pellets are really nice. Decent groups for a windy day and were hitting my steel spinners consistently. I think I found a new alternate. 👍😉
I got a free tin of JTS’s from the vendor at the PACup a couple of weeks ago
I have only tried the 10. 4 or is it 5,,,, anyway, i have run out so will have to order some more, and i am a slug whore.

I do have to dial my Two rifle wayyyyy back due to its 700 mm barrel and minimum reg pressure of 54 BAR ( Huma REG )
but it is possible for me to get them down below 900 fps at least, below 800 too but that is a struggle and consistent speeds are not so consistent.

But on a good day in regard to wind, i do not mind shooting 100 yards with those. ( aiming at a 2" target )

EDIT: it is 10.4

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