Finally used a hand pump.

I bought a hand pump from Amazon about a year ago, got it all together and I've never used it. Today I was target shooting with my GK1, I had filled it up with air twice and my pump was pretty hot so I was letting it cool and I decided to try the hand pump. Pretty good workout and even with taking breaks I was able to pump up my gk1 in about 10 to 15 minutes so it's pretty cool to have for an emergency.
I hand pumped my Prod, my first PCP, for several months and I didn't mind enough to get a compressor. Then I got an Avenger and bought one. But I still have my two hand pumps and will use them if the YH ever stops working. If I had to, I would hand pump for sure rather than not shoot.
I bought a hand pump from Amazon about a year ago, got it all together and I've never used it. Today I was target shooting with my GK1, I had filled it up with air twice and my pump was pretty hot so I was letting it cool and I decided to try the hand pump. Pretty good workout and even with taking breaks I was able to pump up my gk1 in about 10 to 15 minutes so it's pretty cool to have for an emergency.
Good upper body workout! ;)
Hand pumps are the gateway drug to the PCP rabbit hole. Start saving for a compressor.
I bought a hand pump from Amazon about a year ago, got it all together and I've never used it. Today I was target shooting with my GK1, I had filled it up with air twice and my pump was pretty hot so I was letting it cool and I decided to try the hand pump. Pretty good workout and even with taking breaks I was able to pump up my gk1 in about 10 to 15 minutes so it's pretty cool to have for an emergency.
pumped your rifle up to what pressure? If you don’t mind, I ask as I’m brand new to these pcp airguns. I purchased a small compressor at the same time that I purchased the rifle. On the third time filling the tanks on the rifle the compressor just stopped running when it was almost done pumping air in, it turned out not to be a compressor issue but rather that little power supply box that you plug it into to use 110 volt AC current. the compressor works fine hooked to my truck battery. Having the power supply fail though started me thinking I should have a backup manual pump. My rifle can take up to 4500 psi, everyone I’ve ask so far tells me I could never reach that kind of pressure with a hand pump. So I haven’t gotten one yet. Do you like the one you have? I’m going to get one as a back up and if you’re happy with yours possibly you could let me know it’s branding?
I purchased a Hill MK3, was around $300. My rifle reservoir is small, 162 cc 220 bar fill. Once I hit the 200 bar mark it became pretty hard to compress, have to use body mechanics. Going to 300 bar would be hard with my model. The new Hill hand pumps are supposed to be much better now. I have also been eyeballing a Huben hand pump. They are supposed to be the best hand pump on the market. I always recommend youtube for final research. YMMV

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this is true. having a compressor allows you the opportunity to gas, de-gas. this means you can tune your gun into a rabbit hole auger/airgun whatever you wanna call it. it gives you time at the cost of a little noise

The good news is that compressors have become affordable. A newcomer to PCP's can purchase a compressor that can fill the rifle or pistol directly for a modest investment. This route is a lot cheaper than the original tank then compressor route.

I was lucky and got a great deal on an Omega Air Charger in 2018. Basic maintenance and coolant flush is all that I has been required. Being air independent is awesome. Very quiet machine. You only live once, might as well have fun while you are at it.
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This model is always sold out. Sub $200 compressor. I will have to look this model up on youtube.

I bought a hand pump from Amazon about a year ago, got it all together and I've never used it. Today I was target shooting with my GK1, I had filled it up with air twice and my pump was pretty hot so I was letting it cool and I decided to try the hand pump. Pretty good workout and even with taking breaks I was able to pump up my gk1 in about 10 to 15 minutes so it's pretty cool to have for an emergency.
Never used a hand pump, What model of pump did you get off Amazon?
pumped your rifle up to what pressure? If you don’t mind, I ask as I’m brand new to these pcp airguns. I purchased a small compressor at the same time that I purchased the rifle. On the third time filling the tanks on the rifle the compressor just stopped running when it was almost done pumping air in, it turned out not to be a compressor issue but rather that little power supply box that you plug it into to use 110 volt AC current. the compressor works fine hooked to my truck battery. Having the power supply fail though started me thinking I should have a backup manual pump. My rifle can take up to 4500 psi, everyone I’ve ask so far tells me I could never reach that kind of pressure with a hand pump. So I haven’t gotten one yet. Do you like the one you have? I’m going to get one as a back up and if you’re happy with yours possibly you could let me know it’s branding?
Last week I pumped a 500cc Airforce tank from zero to 3000psi with a Hill MK-V pump. It took 600 reps/pumps, going slowly and efficiently. I weigh 180# and don't think I could press that pump much past 3500psi.
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