Finished up my dream gun today!

Been working on this r10 for quite awhile now. Its been a gun I wanted for a long time and I got to put some nice touches to it. Im extremely pleased with how it came out and would love to hear some feedback ( pos or neg)! Ive tried about 4 barrels and settled with the following:

Bsa r10 se .22 cal

lothar walther 23.8” polygon choked .630 dia

brocock magnum shroud ( functional)

donyFL sumo .22/.25

solid peek hammer with steel striker tip (18gram)

shortened spring

shortened stroke

peek valve .225 dia, .200 throat, .087 stem ( flat face vs stock tapered)

ported to .187 throughout 

ported and contoured probe

huma reg at 140 bar

light valve return spring ( ported cap)

280cc bottle ( thanks charlieF)

tuned trigger

MTC f1 4-16 ffp


30 shots on reg

jsb 25.4 mrd’s at 955fps

50 yards has been one hole pretty consistent. No groups at 100 yet but some random shooting at cans etc. has shown them stable at that distance. Couple shots at small rocks out around 150 and still looks stable. Overall I dont think I could ask for anymore. The shot cycle is whisper quiet and short and snappy. Around 50fpe so plenty of power. Shount count is OK considering the bottle size. The report of the gun is unreal quiet so it will make a great hunter!



That's a sweet HUNTER for sure. I have an R10 SE / TH .22 "Nutmeg" laminate from AOA ($999.99) and it shoots around 830ish with JSB / FX 18 grain.

It's my only safe queen and I LOVE THAT GUN. 

It's kinda my 'go-to' for shooting flies in the backyard at 18yards. I definitely won the lottery on this BSA barrel, it's silly accurate.

Your setup would be a PERFECT HUNTER for me at the dairies.

Thanks everyone! So far it really likes the 25.4 redesignes. It does ok with the 18gr jsb but their a litte to hot to be accurate at around 1020fps. I was playing with some slugs and the 23gr looked awesome at 50 yards, .216 diameter. I worked up to .2175 and all the sudden accuracy went south. Went back to the .216 and they were bad, and so were pellets. Cleaned the barrel and it came back so I think the .2175 fouled in the choke it seemed like. Im just going to stick with pellets in it lol.