Air Arms Firing TX200 without Piston Seal

I'm sure the piston would bottom out in the compression tube, not good. Also could damage the walls of the tube without the seal to guide it. Curious why you would want to do this.
Ya, dont sound like a good idea.. bad enough dry firing a springer as it is with the seal and all in place .. that been a long time no -no
I would NEVER do this. I read somewhere (I have no idea where) about shooting a gun with no piston seal? I may have read something wrong. Thanks guys.
It's not like you can't .. i guess someone out there would as does .. someone that has no respect or consideration for his stuff .. or a daddy's gold card kid .
Unfortunately, I am Daddy now, and yes, I am missing my gold, silver, and bronze cards as i type. They "needed" stuff. lol
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