First day out pesting the dairy in 2023

It's been a while since I got out with the MKII .25. The last time I was out pesting on the dairy I got careless and got taken out by a young bull. I turned my back on him and got back into a tight spot. At any rate, I think I told that tale back in the Fall when it happened bu the short version is that I used my Impact to shield me from ...well....'impact' from the pissed off bull. The gun took a big hit and got thrown to the side and I proceeded to get an ol' fashioned ass whoopin' from a teenage hotheaded Holstein bull. The gun seemed functional, but was way off target and needed to be gone through. That incident took some wind out of my sails and I was in no hurry to get back out (a torrential winter helped)

Now that spring has sprung and I'm turkey'd out, it's time to focus on the ground squirrel explosion around the place. Today I went out with the Impact and got it sighted back in again. It didn't take too much and it seems to be shooting just as good as before. In two 30-minute walks I managed to hit 6 ground squirrels with three confirmed bodies. The others were hit hard (based on the 'PLOP!' of the NSA slug) but being as how they were next to their holes, they made it back inside before dying. Not without leaving a trail of hydraulic fluid though, lol.


