Western Airguns First fill , sidewinder, compressor

I could be very wrong but, a lot of times the valve is open on an empty tank and it requires a lot of pressure to close it or the air your filling with just exits the barrel. HPA tanks fill faster and at higher pressure than a compressor. This happened on my Benjamin Bulldog when it was new and the tank was empty.
If ypu are getting any semi auto or a big bore I'd suggest initially investing in a large air tank for storage and use. A 98 cubic foot or bigger would be best. The semi autos and big.bore airguns are both air hogs. Because of this you'll be filling them a lot. Using a small compressor to fill small tanks tend to produce a lot of residual water condensation in the hoses and in cylinder because of the short run cycles. Use the compressor to fill the big tank and fill the gun from there, multiple times. You'll have more fun this way too, just filling and shooting.
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Valve AGFAN referred to. Air pressure keeps plastic section sealed until hammer strikes metal rod to release air. No air pressure can leave metal rod hung up so plastic section won't seal, air flows out barrel. Blast from air tank will force force valve closed, slow moving air from compressor likely won't. Uragan .25 was like this, bumped butt of stock on large book while filling with Yong Heng, heard click, started filling. WM