First hunt with my new FX Independence .22!

Still wow!!!!! 
This gun is so fun to shoot its crazy, I went out for 2 hours this morning and 3 hours this afternoon ...the am was windy and real cold with some snow/sleet 
falling so I opted for a friends farm to check for pigeons ...made a 60 yard off hand shot 10 yards from the van lol
I checked in the barn and tagged the first squirrel of the year for me and again another off hand shot this was at between 45 and 50 yards bang flop!

then i was cold so I drove around for a little and looked for other farms to hunt ..reconnected with an old spot and farmer and I have permission there again
I also knocked on a lot of doors and although no one was home today I have found some promising places!

hope I get this spot lol

then it was off to a spot I hunted as a child and also as a young man and I finished off my limit on the squirrels 
I can not believe how effortless it is to make 50+yard standing offhand head shots with this gun is actually absurd!

to say that I love the heck out of this gun would be an understatement!
First of all congratulations on the hunting success and new air rifle. I am just getting back into air rifles and have just ordered a FX Verminator MK2 for ratting and small game. That is great that your new rifle is accurate and working out for you. I just read up on the FX Independence features and that is a neat concept for a pcp. The money you save not having to buy a fill tank and fittings makes this rifle lest costly than getting into the traditional pcp. Continued fun and hunting success to you. Bill
1kshooter: congrats on that sweet piece! I have a Disco and an Mrod (both .22, currently) and while not on the level of your FX, I share that giddy "feel like I'm cheating somehow" feeling when I smack squirrel with either one. I still love my springers, but I am really looking forward to taking my PCPs out this year. Keep the updates coming, please.
Jonathan - The photo shows your Independence with a moderator on the barrel end. Just curious, was this the only way the rifle is available in Canada or is this the way you wanted it? You already mentioned the rifle is very quiet, so obviously the moderator works well. My Independence has a full length shroud which is nothing more than a hollow tube, yet it works incredibly well.

I am located in northwest PA, a 4-1/2 hour drive south of you . I will be in touch so we can maybe do some shooting together.

Hey Tom, the muzzle Flip as FX refers to it is just a brake it does not in any way do anything to lessen the report of the rifle and it is the only configuration that is legal in Canada as any sound suppression is not aloud....that would be very cool to get together for a shoot!
Menolio, I am having an absolute blast (pardon the pun) with this rifle and look forward to sharing my outings with all of you as I enjoy all of yours!
In the part of Ontario near Ottawa, the Eastern Grey Squirrel is very commonly all black. In fact when I was growing up I thought the grey ones where the abnormal ones because they were so rare. Same animal just different fur. If you look at a grey one it's fur is a mix of black and white making it look grey. The black ones are just a phase of the species.