N/A First PCP arrived today

This is my first real air gun outside of a cheap gamo something or other… Felt like Christmas today because I was able to open up the gun, moderator, hand pump, compressor, and scope!

Scope- Meopta 3-18x56- I can’t believe how good this thing is out of the box! I have plenty of $2k+ scopes and I am super impressed with this thing. I specifically bought a Meopta because I don’t have any and have heard good things. Well so far, I am very happy with the results. The glass is unbelievably clear for the price range. The illumination doesn’t bleed and has very good brightness settings. The weight feels somewhat light for the size. Turrets have a good feel.

Rifle - Ghost HP - can’t say too much yet because it’s completely dark and I haven’t had time to shoot it but the fit and finish on this thing is impeccable. It’s a beautiful gun! Weight seems good. Not sure if I can dry fire?! I was afraid so I didn’t but I’m curious how the stock trigger will feel

Hand pump - Hill MK5 - quality seems to be good but haven’t used it yet.

Compressor - GX CS4i - haven’t opened the box yet lol

Moderator - DonnyFL Sumo - quality seems really nice. Can’t speak of effectiveness yet but hopefully soon!

Anyway, was just really excited so figured I’d throw a post out. Thank you to all of you who helped me make good decisions on this stuff. I feel very confident I have a decent setup to start with!

wow! it’s like a complete happy meal. congratulations on your purchase! the only time it’s okay to have a one night stand. spend the night with it in your arms.
it’s okay, you’re her first
Nice (y):)
I hope you have a good Back for that pump and bottle..... I don't, I use compressor or SCBA tank :giggle:
I thinking a tank might be next in the cards so I can fill the gun off that. I also have an itch to get a springer so it’s between the tank and a hw97 or tx200.

I’m going to try to enjoy this stuff as much as possible before spending more money though haha
I thinking a tank might be next in the cards so I can fill the gun off that. I also have an itch to get a springer so it’s between the tank and a hw97 or tx200.

I’m going to try to enjoy this stuff as much as possible before spending more money though haha
I have two SCBAs and a HPA compressor and am still looking to get a GX to do direct fills. I believe you have intuitively done well. Just simply direct fill your Ghost from your GX. After a few thousand rounds downrange you’ll know if you want or need a bottle or not. Seems to me like you did your homework… 🙏 Am also a big fan of the BRKs, I currently own three different models…
I have two SCBAs and a HPA compressor and am still looking to get a GX to do direct fills. I believe you have intuitively done well. Just simply direct fill your Ghost from your GX. After a few thousand rounds downrange you’ll know if you want or need a bottle or not. Seems to me like you did your homework… 🙏 Am also a big fan of the BRKs, I currently own three different models…
Yeah if not having the tank becomes a problem then it’s at least an easy fix
I hand pumped at first. For my Prod it wasn't a big deal. Then I got an Avenger and shortly later a YH. I kept the hand pumps in case the YH quits but may get a GX as a lazier backup plan. If I only hunted a hand pump would be fine. But as the shot count (and fill pressure) increase the hand pump started to be an issue.
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Great choice, my .25 HP is coming today(hopefully in one piece). Glad you avoided the FX disappointment. Hand pumps are hard to use on bottle guns and they put more moisture in the gun, emergency only. You can dry fire as long as the bottle pressure is higher than the regulator pressure, I do at the end of a session to clear/safe the gun. Make sure the gun is uncocked/closed before adjusting the hammer spring wheel also. Only raise the reg pressure(turning out) under pressure, if it needs lowered(turned in) you have to degas first or damage the reg. AOA has good youtube videos for most common Ghost things.
Good luck out there!
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