N/A First PCP arrived today

Very difficult you could have taken a better decision.

That rifle can be converted in a .30 Cal tomtake javalinas and coyotes, or in a 25 to take racoons.... Or in .177 to take the wind and fly everywhere.
What would you have went with? I’m pretty happy with it so far, outside of the little scratches that were on the barrel.
What would you have went with? I’m pretty happy with it so far, outside of the little scratches that were on the barrel.
I like the must the .25 Cal.

Whenever I go hunting something bigger than jackrabbits, I take a .30 Cal.

Already took two javalinas with a Ghost .30 Cal a year ago. That Ghost is now my cousin's. He bought also a .22 Cal for birds.

Along many years I have collected many PCPs, from .357 (only have two) to .177 (only have four).... .357 and .177 are the calibers I use the less.

This season I took four javalinas, two with .30 Cal and two with .25 Cal.

Three years ago I took a white tailed deer with .30 Cal. Other three white tailed deer I have taken with PCP were taken with .357 Cal.

For almost everything .25 is better than .22.... But for small birds .22 Cal is enough.

More weight on projectile helps to deal with wind. Also a slug is better for long distance accuracy.

With PCPs shot placement is the name of the game. PCPs kill with size of wound. Bigger calibers make wider wounds.