First PCP package proposal: Sortie Tact + Pump

Hi again!

I posted an intro last week, and got an amazing welcome, and a ton of schooling. I'm one week deeper into the rabbit hole, and my mind is still blown. But, I need to ask some questions to learn.

I think I'm going ease my way into this mania gradually. I don't have the knowledge, experience or money to get what I mostly likely will soon want. So, here's what I'm thinking right now to get in.

Gun: Hatsan Sortie Tact, $300 new (Pyramyd)
Hill/Air Venturi mk5 hand pump, $75 (used, vg condition)

It's got iron sites, or I can try my cheap red dot I have on my shotgun. So, optics $0 for now.

Reasoning: I have pews. I'm still not sure where air rifles will fit into my life. I only have a few acres, so the noise reduction is a potential plus. So, I'm keeping it cheap while (I think) giving myself a real chance to see if I like PCPs.

The good: Semi auto in pistol (ish..18") or compact carbine format (25")... That sounds fun. And 300$?

The bad: I've read. Some reported issues. I own a Hatsan shotgun. It has problems. I need to dig into it. Maybe adding another Hatsan to my life will inspire me to do so. (Reading this back... Sounds like questionable reasoning, a little?)

The pump: people advise having a cheap eBay hand pump on hand anyway. This one seemed worth the marginal extra expense (I guess about $35 more than the cheapest currently on eBay).

Anyway, I'm still a noob, call me Grasshopper (Anyone remember the TV series Kung Fu?). I defer to the wisdom of the forum, and critique & guidance are well appreciated. Thanks!
Not much talk on here about Hatsan that’s positive. Or I just don’t pay attention as I personally have no interest with anything they have. If you want to stick with a compact around $300 I would suggest a umerex notos as a lot of members seem to love them. As far as semiauto I would only go with a hammerless semi like Huben but that is way out of price range.
I’ve had a Flashpup and 7 Snowpeaks. The Flashpup is gone and I still own every Snowpeak. I’ve worked on them all except one bone stock Notos I haven’t opened up yet; I have a different notos that is currently waiting to be rebuilt after I finish with my PP750. I won’t buy another Hatsan. The one I had was very rough and required many more hours of work, and still wasn’t as good as my SMK’s.
That’s just my 2 cents from a guy that enjoys affordable AG’s and tinkering with them.
Hatsan Sortie is one pistol I cannot recommend at all. Had one and nothing but jams and issues. Some people have reported getting them operating sorta okay but never great.

Don't get mixed up in semi-auto and airguns unless you are ready to drop some coin. You really need to be near the $1000 range before you will see reliable semi auto. There is the Evanix Viper on the lower end - it is at least better than the Sortie - but it runs smooth for the most part. Next you are in Huben GK1 territory - this is really the semi auto pistol you want. LOTS of power on tap if desired or lower power and high shot count.

I get it - the money isn't there at the moment for the above, but I highly recommend you take pause on semi and do not get the Sortie. It will leave a sour taste in your mouth for the whole hobby and you'll be pissed you spent limited funs on a turd.

Go browse Pyramyd Air - their pistol selection I believe will cater best to you budget.

The Notos is a pistol which I think is a good beginner PCP. It is multi shot and pumpable.
Or get a Beeman P17. Used to be $33 - price has gone up to $46. One of the best cheap little pistols you'll ever shoot.
The Crossman 2240 XL is a fun CO2 pistol.
The Webley Nemesis is acutually a good CO2 pistol for around $120
The Reximex pistols are a good step up to the $4-500 range.

Just stay away from Hatsan. Their quality is pretty low and their qc is lower.
if you want a semi auto pistol, I'd recommend the hatsan velox, 12" overall but it's a little bit on the chunky side.., it's $400 and mine has been trouble free.. as long as you shoot standard weight pellets 14-18 grain..
if you want a pistol carbine, your best bet is the umarex notos.. you can get open sights for it $10 and pistol grip $10 but it's too long for me as a pistol.. I had to shoot rested not freehand
I have the velox currently, second batch that came out, first batch had issues..
I sold my notos because it just sat, too long as a pistol and I didn't want a mini carbine.. also if you use it as a carbine, you will definitely need a scope because the stock is too high to see through open sights..
let me know if you have any questions about the two guns.
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I know this isn’t really what you’re asking, and I don’t know much to begin with, but….why not just get one of the amazing springer rifles out there? I am new to the serious Airgun game as well like you. I have a crap ton of regular guns, probably around 50. I just bought a really nice pcp setup but I bet I would have been 90% as happy with one of the German springers and I would have spent $500 instead of $4k! You also have the peace of mind of knowing you have a high quality top grade gun in its category. I asked this very question on here and people much more knowledgeable than me said the hw30, hw50, hw90, hw97, tx200 are all phenomenal and some of those are in your budget range. Just a thought for you to mull over!
Hi again!

I posted an intro last week, and got an amazing welcome, and a ton of schooling. I'm one week deeper into the rabbit hole, and my mind is still blown. But, I need to ask some questions to learn.

I think I'm going ease my way into this mania gradually. I don't have the knowledge, experience or money to get what I mostly likely will soon want. So, here's what I'm thinking right now to get in.

Gun: Hatsan Sortie Tact, $300 new (Pyramyd)
Hill/Air Venturi mk5 hand pump, $75 (used, vg condition)

It's got iron sites, or I can try my cheap red dot I have on my shotgun. So, optics $0 for now.

Reasoning: I have pews. I'm still not sure where air rifles will fit into my life. I only have a few acres, so the noise reduction is a potential plus. So, I'm keeping it cheap while (I think) giving myself a real chance to see if I like PCPs.

The good: Semi auto in pistol (ish..18") or compact carbine format (25")... That sounds fun. And 300$?

The bad: I've read. Some reported issues. I own a Hatsan shotgun. It has problems. I need to dig into it. Maybe adding another Hatsan to my life will inspire me to do so. (Reading this back... Sounds like questionable reasoning, a little?)

The pump: people advise having a cheap eBay hand pump on hand anyway. This one seemed worth the marginal extra expense (I guess about $35 more than the cheapest currently on eBay).

Anyway, I'm still a noob, call me Grasshopper (Anyone remember the TV series Kung Fu?). I defer to the wisdom of the forum, and critique & guidance are well appreciated. Thanks!
Ignore the hatsan hate crowd. Sortie Tact is a fine short range rifle. The Sortie isn't for making 1/4 groups at 50 yards. It is for having something relatively light on hand while moving about. I've had one for 18months or so. No problems. Actually put a magazine through it today and topped off the air tube. I use it primarily for raccoons that go behind the garage and I have to go mobile.

My only complaints are

The size of the air tube, 2-3 magazines before it drops low enough pressure tha it won't cycle.

No way to add a moderator. There are adapters to give you a 1/2-20 fitting. But put any moderator on and the gun will not cycle.

It is too big to be a pistol and too small to be a carbine. You can wield it as a pistol but it is hefty. You can can use it as a carbine but that short barrel you really need to keep the range short.

-- Matt
Ignore the hatsan hate crowd. Sortie Tact is a fine short range rifle. The Sortie isn't for making 1/4 groups at 50 yards. It is for having something relatively light on hand while moving about. I've had one for 18months or so. No problems. Actually put a magazine through it today and topped off the air tube. I use it primarily for raccoons that go behind the garage and I have to go mobile.

My only complaints are

The size of the air tube, 2-3 magazines before it drops low enough pressure tha it won't cycle.

No way to add a moderator. There are adapters to give you a 1/2-20 fitting. But put any moderator on and the gun will not cycle.

It is too big to be a pistol and too small to be a carbine. You can wield it as a pistol but it is hefty. You can can use it as a carbine but that short barrel you really need to keep the range short.

-- Matt
this is one reason I suggested the velox, I honestly think it is basically a improved sorti.. it's a bit smaller, comes with two air tubes and each air tube will shoot two magazine full.
it's also threaded for a moderator 1/2"x20..
but what it won't do is be a mini carbine.. maybe someone has made a 3 d printed stock, could probably work going into the grip where the spare magazine goes.
I made a holster for mine.. it's a bit chunky but it is the best I have seen in budget range..
I suppose there's the hatsan jet1&2& now 3..if you want side lever and the reximex rp.. both of them are pistol/ carbine..
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There is a guy on the internet called Ted that was one of the first youtuber's posting videos on airguns. His channel is Ted's Hold Over. I cut my teeth on his videos.

He has a really good review of the Umarex Notos. I think that it might be the "goldilocks" of the PCP's out there for beginners. The only complaint I have heard of is the magazines. Buy a few extras while you are shopping. I suggest purchasing your first PCP from Pyramydair. They have a great return policy, good customer service and fast shipping.

Ted really liked the Notos. His recommendation carries a lot of weight. If Ted says it is good, then it has to be good. There is a whole crew here at Airgun Nation that also like the Notos. I would watch a few videos on the Notos before you make up your mind.

I would watch a few of Ted's videos. He helped me navigate the PCP rabbit hole. His videos are great, he set a lot of standards with his videos that people follow his format.

I am not a fan of Hatsans. My first introduction to a Hatsan PCP was watching a guy shoot it a few times and the trigger group fell out of the rifle and skittered across the concrete! He spent more time tinkering and fixing the rifle than shooting it! Ugh.

Where are you located? There might be a few Airgun Nation folks close to you. You can setup your location under your profile. There also might be a club close by that has some airgun shooters.

If you have any questions, DM me and I will try and assist!
I’d also suggest a Notos. By far my favorite gun out of ~6 or so that I’ve owned.

I have a buddy with a bone stock one (regular cylinder), I bought one used with a bottle and a few other upgrades. Both are lights out accurate, the bottle just gets me a few extra magazines per fill.

Lots of aftermarket mods you can play with. You can also generally find a few listed in the classifieds that have already been modded, though most of them seem a bit overpriced imo.

I’ve rotated between a few scopes and a red dot. The red dot is the most fun especially for plinking, but I prefer the magnification from a scope if I’m hunting.
Where are you located? There might be a few Airgun Nation folks close to you. You can setup your location under your profile. There also might be a club close by that has some airgun shooters.

If you have any questions, DM me and I will try and assist!
Took me a minute, but I updated my location. Corsicana, Texas. And I'm watching the video you suggested. Thanks!
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Being a fairly new member here I understand your struggle, as I did a ton of research on PCPs and was on the struggle bus on which one I wanted. I was fortunate to not be limited on funds for my purchase, if I was limited on a budget, I would go with the NOTOS, from all of the reviews I have seen on them they are very versatile with future upgrades, it doesn't seem to be to pellet picky and has good accuracy out to 50 yards. Another option is to go to the classifieds and look for a good used air rifle from a verified member.
one thing I would add, of course I'm old and disabled so that might have a lot to do with my choices . I really like my PCP guns, but I have also had spring guns and if it wasn't for the compressor, honestly I wouldn't have any PCP guns if I had to hand pump them.
here's a few spring guns that I have had and would definitely recommend.
Webley tempest in 177 .. you can only get used.. and Beeman P1 in 177 the best spring pistol I know of.
Diana 34 I had in 177 was good but not accurate with a scope I assume it had to do with the break barrel..
Diana 48 in 22 caliber was a lot more accurate than the 34 with a scope.. fixed barrel and side lever cocking. there's similar models of the side lever 48,52,54&56.
I only have one caliber currently in 22, I try to stay away from 177 because it is hard to handle with carpal tunnel but I was able to load at a friend's house 177 jsb beasts.
I don't know if it is still available but there was a used Diana 48 in 177 at Airguns of Arizona for $295 I think..