First shots with the new Hawke Sidewinder 8-32X56

I traded into this with the New Air max Hawke sent me as a replacement for the bad one. A great warranty experience. I mounted the new Sidewinder on my TX200 in Sportsmatch rings to zero at 23 yards. Exercised both the Elevation and Windage turrents first to insure it was at optical center. Limited amount of adjustment, I figured I would end up needing Burris Signatures with inserts. Wrong, as the first shot was 3/4 in. of at 10:00. 6 clicks each way put me in the middle. For the price of the scope I am more than satisfied with the optics. Will it be as crisp at 500 yds at 88 degrees on a humid day as my 3000.00 scopes, no but for a
irgins that won't go past 100yds it's totally fine. So here are shots 3 thru 7 then 8 thru 12. I think I need to treat my wife to one of these for her D75. I shot these 2 groups on 28x.
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I have a couple of Sidewinders in FFP. I really like these scopes and their reticles.
I think for the price point the Sidewinders are great. As far as reticle, WAY to busy for me. I like a floating dot with maybe 3 or 4 ballistic lines below it. If they had something like that I might have never gotten into the Sightron STac line of which I have a handful of and are just as good at the price point. But my original Sidewinder on my wife's D75 has been a great scope through tens of thousands of shots.