First squirrel hunt for my Veteran .22

I bought this gun used a few months back and it is has been the best purchase I ever made in airguns. Absolutely love it.

Squirrel season started on Aug 15th but I haven't been able to get out much. I did take out my Air Speed in the evening a couple times but never had any shots, plus it was always hovering around 90 degrees so it was miserable.

I got to the woods before light and it wasnt long before the squirrels started cutting all around me. I had one dropping cuttings almost on top of me, two more in front of me about 25 yards away and a couple more off in the distance jumping through the tree tops. After a short wait I finally got lined up on one in front of me and a quick head shot dropped him instantly. The others all kept cutting like nothing even happened. The Veteran is so quiet that all you hear is a slight ping, followed by a loud pop then a thump as they hit the ground. 

It wasnt but five minutes or so and I saw another one on the same branch as the first one. Same scenario. Ping, pop,thump. Almost exact same poi and exit too. Pellets went in left front of face and exited out right rear behind the ear. 

The others kept cutting but it is so hard to find them way up high plus they kept jumping around. Finally one came down the side of a hickory and I dropped him with another head shot from underneath and out the top of his head.

After that it got quiet so I picked them up and moved on but didnt see any others. 

Pretty happy with my Veterans performance of three for three head shots on grey squirrels. 

It is shooting the JSB 18 gr at 935 fps.


It does make a nice whack doesn’t it. I’m shooting AA 18’s at 940 as they were about a squirrel’s hair tighter groups than the JSBs. Like you I’m getting pass through on head shots and that’s the only shot I’ll take. I don’t know what wood they use but mines been up against a variety of hardwoods and the stock is holding up fine as far as scratches go. They were cutting pignut hickories hot and heavy and just today in another woods they were on shag bark hickories, there’s a bumper crop of nuts this year. Lovin’ the veteran 22 long as they’re great at whackin and stackin.