well, after many years of not much if any shooting, here's my first efforts with the Hatsan Striker 1000x .22/Hammers 3-9x32AO scope. Had the scope all the way up to 9X @ 20-22 yards with my target stuck on one of their big ones to fasten it to target holder rig. And me wearing trifocals. Bench was plastic & only about 11" wide, so couldn't use BR bags. No chronograph, as nothing allowed in front of firing line. Padded bar stool to sit on, so aching 2nd lumbar making my arms shake. Tried all kinda breathing, etc to steady myself. Adjust scope as I shot, shots moving from lower left to upper right as I did so with Crosman PHP's @ 14.3gr. Got a bit confused at first with which way to turn the reticle knobs to move it left/right or up/down. Some things I forgot on the fly, I guess? Artillery hold was steadier closer to end of forestock than close to trigger guard for me. And talk about an endorphin rush! Nerves still shaking as I type this, even with beer & vodka to kill aching right hip & 2nd lumbar a bit. Anyway, here's my first hour's efforts. Not bad in a couple groups lower left. Two shot lower left diamond, one nearly on top of the other. 5-6 shots a lil higher in a group the size of a dime. Tagged on the lines a few times;