My range bag too has a lot of stuff in it. Tripod bag, camera (when used), hearing protection, front & rear bench bags, cleaning kit, lube, Co2 cartridges & the like in the little clip pouches in the zip-out bags on either side, two per clip pouch. Both boxes of Straight Shooters .177 pellet samples for the Winchester, several tins of .22 cal pellets, Various batteries for chronograph & headset, instruction manuals, everything I could need while shooting. Then one and two gun cases, depending on if I take one or both of the .22's. Then I need a slightly longer case for the Winchester, so that'll be three cases piled up in my little man cave. I bought a folding dolly from a local office supply that I'll likely use with bungee chords to haul the gun case & range bag in from the parking lot, about a 200' walk just to the front door. Once I get hip surgery 3/20, it'll be a few months before I can work with all the weight, let alone walking as much as normal. Gotta rehab for several months with exorcises & such. I hope they have wheel chairs or the like at the ODNR place at meeting time 3/4. Gonna be rough if they don't & the folding wheel chair I was measured for weeks ago ain't here yet? Ah, the pressures of getting old.
While I was at the range last Saturday, the range master, another old guy, Smiled big between shots when he spoke to me about how weird it was, the way I had to load & fire " that thing". He said he'd never seen anything like that before. So I briefly explained how the rifle (Hatsan) worked, and how it's loaded. Besides muzzle velocity & such. The guy in lane 1 (I was in lane 8 of 9) with the AR was making shock waves from the muzzle blasts. The range master watched me for a good little while. Then started talking to AR guy, young, skinny fella that looked recent military to me? He gave me a snotty sorta grin when range master refers to my rifle as a " BB gun" when talking to him. I was a little miffed at that remark...but most folks don't know they aren't BB guns anymore. Even though I'd explained all that, showed/explained the pellets, etc at the front desk. I must of been the first to call &/or show up with air rifles?