Brocock/BRK Five Good Reasons Why I SHOULDN’T Buy A Brocock Sniper XR .22 Sahara

Well I have finally found the time to get my new Sniper XR Sahara 22cal. dialed in at 40yds. and accuracy is amazing for these old eyes. It seem to like the JBS 18s the best (best 5 shot group 1/2") which is great for me. It also shoots the Crosman Hollowpoint 14.3 gr. at less than an inch. so far. That is about the same as I get with my FX Crown. I like it mush better than the Crown though. I only have about 500 through it so far though.
Really appreciate the updates to this thread...I keep coming back to it wanting to pull the trigger on buying one...if they were in stock, I would have already!!! Analysis paralysis :D. And I won't be mad if people continue posting more pictures of how they have theirs set up. Black moderator...or matching moderator...what a fun gun!

Would love to know if anyone has a recommendation for a scope to pair with it...knowing I'd like to take this out to 200+ yds someday?
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@Hangtown-Shooter - thanks for posting this! How are you liking it so far? I'd love to hear your impressions and maybe a fresh photo or 2 :D...have you added anything to it?
I apologize for the slow reply! For some reason I have not been receiving notifications for new posts on this thread any longer so I missed your inquiy…

I ended up installing a Alpha 6 (4.5-27x50 SFP) optic I already had on hand along with a (black) 0db moderator.

Honestly I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had time to really sit down and enjoy a good session with this rifle yet. I mounted the scope and ran 1 mag through to get it close and test to confirm it was functioning properly, but thats as far as I’ve made it so far sadly! I will add that even with my limited time spent shooting, I know I’m going to definitely enjoy this one!

I will be sure and share a pic or two in the next few days once I‘ve had a chance to dial in in for 50 yards.
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Well I am new to air rifles as I purchased an Umarex Origin in .22 4 months ago to eradicate a few prairie dogs that decided to move into my yard. And while it has served it's purpose very well it is a bit unwieldy for my 72 year old body. So, I have been on the hunt for another easier to handle PCP rifle and was about to pull the trigger on a Taipan Veteran 2 until I stumbled upon this thread. And like others here, I started searching for all the info I could find on the Brocock XR Sahara and I think that it will fill the niche that I need for pesting around the ranch. With it being on sale at AOA that sealed the deal and I ordered one a few minutes ago with a 0db moderator in cerakote. The Taipan is still on my want list and I'm sure that I will add that one in the future.

Now the hard part is going to be the wait for the order to arrive.... Lots of good info here on AGN and I have been trying to soak up all the knowledge that is available.

Well I am new to air rifles as I purchased an Umarex Origin in .22 4 months ago to eradicate a few prairie dogs that decided to move into my yard. And while it has served it's purpose very well it is a bit unwieldy for my 72 year old body. So, I have been on the hunt for another easier to handle PCP rifle and was about to pull the trigger on a Taipan Veteran 2 until I stumbled upon this thread. And like others here, I started searching for all the info I could find on the Brocock XR Sahara and I think that it will fill the niche that I need for pesting around the ranch. With it being on sale at AOA that sealed the deal and I ordered one a few minutes ago with a 0db moderator in cerakote. The Taipan is still on my want list and I'm sure that I will add that one in the future.

Now the hard part is going to be the wait for the order to arrive.... Lots of good info here on AGN and I have been trying to soak up all the knowledge that is available.

Those poor prairie dogs are not going to appreciate that sweet Sahara as much as you will. Good choice and a great step up from your Origin. Am looking forward to your shooting impressions.
Just got an email from Darren at AOA that my Brocock Sahara arrived and that after testing should ship to me this week. Looking forward to shooting it before Winter sets in here in Wyoming. I had ordered a GX CS4 compressor also should arrive this week. I have lots of .22 pellets and slugs to test.