Keep in mind that the air acts as a fluid. It moves at different speeds and directions constantly. All too often i talk to shooters that believe the air is the same from point to point rather than being a chaotic swirling mess.
Where legal, I would suggest that you put out smoke pots or smoke bombs with different colors at different distances. Support the smoke pots about 5 feet off the ground. Watch how the smoke moves differently at different locations. The air moves quite drastically differently a few feet above the ground compared to down in the weeds.
Consider that the bench is about 36" above the ground level, and the line of flight will be above the bench level due to the parabolic trajectory of the pellet.
The effects of the wind definitely change as you progress through a 100 yard card.
I have noticed drastic differences in wind effect going from the sighter box to the top row on an ASA target.
With the flags staying consistent, going from the sighter box to the top row, would one be safe to assume that the effect is different because my aim point has changed by 3 feet , or am I missing small changes somehow?
My thought is that with my flags being 36" off the ground, the values I am seeing demonstrated by the flags are completely different at 18 inches off the ground correct?
Would it be worthwhile to have a staggered height arrangement on the flags?
I would also like to hear any comments from the board on flag sensitivity, such as preferences or findings that support setting flags up one way VS another.
Should I be trying to watch the vanes for the small change, assuming that my flags are balanced to catch them, or rely on tail movement to pick them up before the vanes catch it?
I THINK that I know the answer, but I also think that I know many things that are proven to be in error.......
I could be all wet with my suppositions, but I am actually learning stuff from you who are better versed than I, so I ask for your forbearance.