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Flag recommendation

I have decided to go with the Ray Hill dual vain flags. I am excited to get them in.
I just bought a set of the dual vane flags from Ray, Very high quality product and he was great to deal with! I also bought a set of his adjustable tops for the tripods to level the flags on uneven ground, They are top quality also!!
Great discussion everyone. Still being newish to shooting I learn more every time I go out and shoot. I actually try to shoot more and longer when it is windy to keep learning. I had a gentleman teach me one day about the wind affect on a shot. First he explained the wind is like a wave in the ocean, it builds to a high then calms slowly as it moves across the range. He said much like a wave it is similar but never the same. Many of you have talked about how the shot is effected by where it sees the greatest wind. I made a picture of a RMAC/EBR target at 100 yards and show how a shot affected at 10 50 and 75 yards compares to no affect. This assumes the affect at the yardage with no other affect during the travel of the shoot. I used an change of .05 degrees change.
Now I would love to hear more ideas on how to read the wind flags to make better hold calls.
I’m not sure I am following your example above correctly? At 10Y the wind would have the least affect and I would put it where your 100Y line is. And at 100Y the wind would have the most affect pushing the pellet further off target as it has more time and distance to be affected by the wind and therefore I would put it where your 10Y line is.
As I had mentioned before….the ultralight twin tails that come on Rays flags are useless and distracting to me.

This is how I change to a longer, heavier single tail. I use a fishing swivel so I can change tails out easily. Some guys hang a small alligator clip, instead, so they can clip and unclip their tails.

I’m using a heavy 4.5 mil survey tape. Much heavier than what you might find locally.

Sail tails are nice for pretty heavy wind.

My tail setup is good for up to about 8 mph….meaning I can differentiate a 6 mph from an 8, a 4 from a 2, etc. That covers most all the conditions I’m shooting in. Even in 20mph gusts….I’m waiting for the slower sustained wind.

Hope you don’t mind Mike but I borrowed some more ideas from you ;) I glued some fiber washers to reinforce the areas that the string passes through plus a few more knots to keep the swivel centered. Then I added a drop of CA onto each knot to keep them from unraveling.

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May I ask how you transport these? Also, does this not throw off the balance of the flags?
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I am in the process of finishing up a wooden case to transport the flags. Should have it done by mid next week then I will post photos. Previously I transported them in a cardboard box but it just didn’t provide much protection.

The black mount in the center is secured by a set screw. Just loosen the set screw and slide the mount forward or rearward to balance the flag. You can also do the same with the brass weight on the nose of the flag.
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