For the hunters...

I have a problem here with armadillos tearing up my yard at night. Do any of you hunt 'dillos' with your air guns? I have 2 different Air Force guns that will put the .25 pellet out between 850-1000 fps. Will that .25 cal pellet @ 900 fps penetrate the'dillos' armor at 30 yds, or should I just stick to one of my .22lrs? The problem with that is having to worry about a couple of neighbor's houses that I'll have to work to avoid. I know the .22 will work on them from past experience, but I'd rather do it will one of my pcp's if it's possible. Thanks for your help on this.

Mod Edit: moved to Hunting forum
A .25 PCP is a good choice, even if it were at a more modest velocity. The last two I plugged were with head and neck shots, one at 30 yards and one at 48 yards, and those were both with a .22 cal running JSB 18.1gr at only 780fps at the muzzle. Their armor isn’t particularly effective against a pellet but placement is the name of the game. A .25 cal at a higher velocity will be more forgiving but I suspect a simple center mass shot will result in a runner and a smelly problem for a neighbor.

Hey, Shocky! How's it goin? I've about quit posting on the STL sites, too many batshiz crazies on there for me. These dillos are driving the neighbors & me crazy tearing up yards, outdoor lighting cords etc. and I really don't think any of them will complain about a dead one in their yard/flowerbeds at this point. I could have shot 2 of them last night at 10 pm when I took my dog out if I'd been packing. I guess I'll put a laser/light on my Condor SS instead of the ATN night vision to see if it'll stop them before investing $600 on something that won't do what I want it to. If that won't do it, I've got a little S&W AR15 .22 that I can put that on and get the job done as long as I watch out for the neighbors down range.

I've really gotten into enjoying these pcp's, and I'm just sorry I didn't know about them a long time ago. None of the gun shops around here carry anything so I'm getting everything off the web. I've taken some ground hogs down at the lake with my Talon P, and the neighbor and I have about cleaned out the ones on our street. She uses a springer and is pretty deadly with that, but is really jealous about the pcp's but doesn't want the expense that is required to get into it.
I started about 8, and have at least handled everything since until the last ten years. I even got my own pistol to the burp stage trying to tune it before i lost interest. Years back WalMart had two open box specials, and they had a Trail for $99. I pretty much have shot gas ram springers again since.

My Grandson makes me remember mornings when I was dragged out of bed and we ate on the way to our squirrel hunting destinations, watching it get light already against a tree ready to shoot.

I am working on giving him memories like them.

He logged on, read several explanations of the artillery hold, and he shoots like it already. You see him get on target, see him check his grip and then squeeze. 

I am having a blast. He just got home.

You and your'n have a nice day!