in some cases it really is not a joke ... its the reason i got into airguns .... they were so bad at this place when i bought it they were gnawimg into the attic, chewing wires, chewing water pipes, playing chase back an forth across the roof all day .. i had something i had to fix every few days ... and trying to garden, forget it, your planting seed and turn around theyre right behind you digging them up lol, no exaggeration .. rabbits to, just about as bad ... and i jave neigjbors pretty close although it is legal to shoot firearms here, ettiquet says no, dont blast off firearms left and right very often unless you want a full retard response lol ... so went to springers .. in a real scenario like that theyre completely inadequate, ' oh but my super duper spwinger is acuwate' .. yeah right one pop maybe you get one and the other 100 are wise and you rarely get another one especially on longer shots .. so went to pcp, quieter, more accurate with longer shots period end of discussion ... from that point i was bagging 6, 10+ a day for awhile, thrn at a reduced rate for some time after that ..lost count but at that time 'the war' produced probably some 200 casualties and we got things under control .. squirrrls can be mean though .. theyll chase my chickens out of the coop sometimes .. thats when they die ... but i leave several alive around here, i do like wildlife, birds and even a squirrel in the yard .. just not out of control infestation ..