Yes mate
Adding the delrin buttons/bearings removes the metal to metal contact. My 99 like most had the galling problem from the poor design of the cocking arm . With this modified I decided to do the piston , you can see the witness marks on the pistons where they pick up on the cylinder. Hw pistons are slightly flared on the rear skirt to act like a bearing, you remove this so the pistons are straight then add the synthetic bearing so they run on that . It’s makes the cocking much smoother, keeps everything central, and you only need a fraction of lube . I use ws2 powder mixed with stp/ petrol additive as a lube a tiny amount behind the seal and same for bearings. On the 99 there was a small gain fps I recall 6 but a huge gain in smoothness and shot cycle .
Opening up the transfer port was done on the 80 because the piston is so light 3.4mm was the final size tuned for jsb pellets . That’s a very nice rifle to shoot .