Forced to update,,,, again


Apr 9, 2021
So the magazine in my maverick did not like getting fed with 20 grain slugs, and the rifle more or less jammed with every attempt to chamber a shot.
So what is a man to do ? hit the internet shops of course and spend more money. :)

So i ordered a Carm slug magazine for the maverick, and a single shot tray for it too, and then for kicks a magazine for my Vulcan 3.
And i must say so far it have all worked well, i put a heavier hammer in the Maverick as the stock one did not allow for much more than 800 FPS speeds with the 20 grain slugs from Zan, and then i cranked up the REG pressure a little.
And now i have to go to power wheel setting #1 and loosen the hammer adjuster to the max if i want to shoot 13 grains and do that at reasonable already confirmed good speeds.
With a bit of hammer adjustment and on PW setting #7 and the 20 grain slugs fly 970 FPS.
So now i am good to test those at reasonable speeds next weekend.

I did not specify any particular colours when i ordered at Carm, but i got black and toxic green, which i think work fine.
I have not tried the AGT magazine other than it fit in the rifle, but i think i might end up liking it more than the original AGT magazines.

Yeah i gave the single shot tray a few shots too here in the living room, and it work like a charm.
Weather this weekend will not be stellar for shooting, but i am still going to give it a try, if it is unsustainable i can just do some of the work my friend would love for me to do for him.

Really my pellet trap are not geared for the 40 FP smack of the 20 grain slugs, so just shot 1 mag full, and by chance where i put things the shot string was fairly flat, so should be good to go on that account at least.
I also think i will use the single shot tray a lot on the maverick, shooting magazines, well in 4 - 5 - 6 hours of shooting that end up being quite a lot of shots, and generally i only bring a tin of each weight for a total of 8 tins in my range ammo box.