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Forum wishes

The bottom line is when you joined there were rules that YOU the individual agreed to. What I see are a lot of people coming here thinking they can do as they please. For whatever deranged ideas they may have about freedoms, constitutional or otherwise, when it comes to saying what you want. That’s not how that works.

If people have ideas that help improve this or any other site, there are forums like this one where I deas can be shared and suggestions rendered for review. Trying to change what someone else put together and implemented is pretty audacious. If you like how another site functions in certain regards, go over there and do the things that you wish to do that are in alignment with the rules and spirit of that site. To me the “kids” are the older people coming to this site acting like young and entitled Gen Z people. @SpindleB what you’re saying sounds weird to me.
The bottom line is when you joined there were rules that YOU the individual agreed to. What I see are a lot of people coming here thinking they can do as they please. For whatever deranged ideas they may have about freedoms, constitutional or otherwise, when it comes to saying what you want. That’s not how that works.

If people have ideas that help improve this or any other site, there are forums like this one where I deas can be shared and suggestions rendered for review. Trying to change what someone else put together and implemented is pretty audacious. If you like how another site functions in certain regards, go over there and do the things that you wish to do that are in alignment with the rules and spirit of that site. To me the “kids” are the older people coming to this site acting like young and entitled Gen Z people. @SpindleB what you’re saying sounds weird to me.
Was exactly my point. This is so refined and delicate. No mental filters required. I literally laugh everytime the system changes so mild word into something even milder, like "poopy". The idea that words that are common place across virtually all media would be seen as offensive here is very humorous. But I am never offended by words on a screen. They are harmless and you have to make them anything else. If someone writes something I don't like I am quite capable of just ignoring it and moving on.
Was exactly my point. This is so refined and delicate. No mental filters required. I literally laugh everytime the system changes so mild word into something even milder, like "poopy". The idea that words that are common place across virtually all media would be seen as offensive here is very humorous. But I am never offended by words on a screen. They are harmless and you have to make them anything else. If someone writes something I don't like I am quite capable of just ignoring it and moving on.
@SpindleB Strange times. I think the word filters are to promote more of a family friendly environment. I’ve seen fathers and sons here, people with their grandchildren, and members that are minors. I don’t have an issue with filtering profanity. Television and radio have done it for decades. How we choose to deal with words are individual choices. The audacity to come to a site and demand or cry about changes you want gets old.

We’ve had campaigns here where members lobbied for certain things. A lot of times those changes didn’t occur. Others did, and some came as sort of a compromise between ideas. I’m not sure what dictates the decisions that bring about changes here, but web designers cost money and they are usually paid for their work. What we see on AGN is a pretty big improvement from the old format. That transition took some getting used to for a lot of us.
@SpindleB Strange times. I think the word filters are to promote more of a family friendly environment. I’ve seen fathers and sons here, people with their grandchildren, and members that are minors. I don’t have an issue with filtering profanity. Television and radio have done it for decades. How we choose to deal with words are individual choices. The audacity to come to a site and demand or cry about changes you want gets old.

We’ve had campaigns here where members lobbied for certain things. A lot of times those changes didn’t occur. Others did, and some came as sort of a compromise between ideas. I’m not sure what dictates the decisions that bring about changes here, but web designers cost money and they are usually paid for their work. What we see on AGN is a pretty big improvement from the old format. That transition took some getting used to for a lot of us.
I've not complained nor lobbied, I just remain amused by it all.
Societal values of 50 years ago expressed in a profanity filter.
The delicate sensibilities of children must be protected, as they watch anything they want on their phones, computers and TVs.
Have you ever watched some of the VERY popular videos on TikTok or some of the other video platforms?
The profanity filter, as hilarious as it is (poopy *snork*), is protecting nothing.
@blackdog899 Post what you want to talk about (within what the rules deem as acceptable) in your social feed. To do so, go to your profile and click “update your status” box. Then type what you want to type there.
View attachment 529603
Your post then shows up in the “Social Feed” for other members to read or they can see these posts when they visit your profile page.
I don’t think anybody reads that , I was already steered there .
Oh, you kids and your cute moderated web boards. Back in the day real posting went on USENET (newsgroups) where virtually anything was allowed, especially in the ALT newsgroups. The Wild Wild West of the internet. That sure was a lot of fun. It still exists but not nearly as fun...

Rules were simple, if you don't like what somebody wrote, ignore it, don't read it or block them.

"Welcome to USENET, wear a cup" -- SharonB
alt.flame.(whatever you wanted to bash) yessir... those were the days!
I don’t think anybody reads that , I was already steered there .
@blackdog899 Not reading information that is readily available is a choice. Not reading the rules, not reading the very thing you’re asking about. You’ve been here since November, but you “don’t think anybody reads that…” is a really strange assumption.
The bottom line is when you joined there were rules that YOU the individual agreed to. What I see are a lot of people coming here thinking they can do as they please. For whatever deranged ideas they may have about freedoms, constitutional or otherwise, when it comes to saying what you want. That’s not how that works.

If people have ideas that help improve this or any other site, there are forums like this one where I deas can be shared and suggestions rendered for review. Trying to change what someone else put together and implemented is pretty audacious. If you like how another site functions in certain regards, go over there and do the things that you wish to do that are in alignment with the rules and spirit of that site. To me the “kids” are the older people coming to this site acting like young and entitled Gen Z people. @SpindleB what you’re saying sounds weird to me.
Reread my post a s h l e. Seems like there’s about 27 posts from Newyears