I would guess your gun will be operating at its finest at that setting. Efficient, calm, and as quiet as it will get. If your accuracy is there, go shoot some pigeons and sparrows. They will answer your question. And don’t forget to try some 16gr Hades, they will be humming along nicely at that setting. Since you are relatively new I will clue you in on very dumb path a lot of guys go down in this hobby. Me included. We buy a gun that’s too small, then want it to do what a gun one size bigger does easily. The 380mm barrel guys want their guns to do what a 500mm barreled gun does easily. A 500mm guy wants his gun to do what a 600mm gun does easily. Get the picture? When we stay in our lane with what our chosen gun is easily capable of, happiness and no drama happens.
Bottom line, in most cases if we want more power, barrel length is your best friend. I’m guessing your gun was set there for a reason. Happy customer. Will it shoot those 18’s faster? Yes. But it’s all down hill. More noise, vibes and bad shot count.