Fried coon and dirty rice on sunday

Man, I would like to try that one day..looks like some good eat'n for sure.. I made some collards greens with hog jowels myself for new years, I bet they know way better than me.. 
for new years.. 
i know a guy that traps 'em, feeds em corn for a while and slaughters them..Says it's good eat'n. 

I dug up two racoons on Saturday with my Kubota CTL. They were booth at the bottom of a huge brush pile that I was moving to make more room for dove field. . I had the door open to my loader and when I dragged ( not on purpose) the teeth on the end of my bucket across his back he let out a squeal. I was only 4' feet from him.. As Brooks said in Shawshank Redemption, " I nearly soiled myself." 
I fed our cat in the garage during the Rose Bowl game and left the garage door half open. When I checked on her (cat) during halftime there were two large coons at her bowls, one eating the food, the other washing up in the water bowl. They looked at me like, "Dude, don't interrupt our meal have some manners." Took me 30 minutes to chase them out. They kept hiding behind stuff instead of using the open door. Cat stayed cuddled on a sofa and watched the whole ordeal semi-interested.
The last coon I trapped had an older wound on his back leg. If he hadn’t then he would have been in the slow cooker with some bbq sauce. I didn’t want to chance anything with an infected wound due to the chance of bacterial infection or possible rabies infection. 

Also so I haven’t tried yet but soaking goose in buttermilk for 12 hours then salt water for another 12 takes the grease and wild game taste right out of it. I wonder if it’s the same for raccoon?
The last coon I trapped had an older wound on his back leg. If he hadn’t then he would have been in the slow cooker with some bbq sauce. I didn’t want to chance anything with an infected wound due to the chance of bacterial infection or possible rabies infection. 

Also so I haven’t tried yet but soaking goose in buttermilk for 12 hours then salt water for another 12 takes the grease and wild game taste right out of it. I wonder if it’s the same for


We eat lots of duck and goose every year. I just soak over night in a little salt water. Pat dry and season like steak. Then cut it into .5 inch slices and cook over a really hot preheated heat source. Great and tender unless you cook past med rare. 
@heavy-impact you right just like GARBAGE NO ONE OWNS WORDS..GOOD IS GOOD AND BAD IS BAD....Best thing for me to do is remove myself from form ...✌️

No need for that, I'm sure you're a good man it's just the music had words that offend people to different degrees. I'd like for you to stay. People tend to read text in the most negative way when they don't know the person who wrote it. I'd just like to leave all that stuff in the past, it's not necessary. I'm telling you like a friend and I'd expect the same from you.
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