DIFTA will host a FT match on Saturday April 23 at the IWLAWAC in Damascus MD. We need a minimum of 4 shooters to run the match, so please signup in advance. If we don’t reach a quorum by 10:00 pm on Thursday 4/21 we will post a cancellation notice that evening.
As usual, we will meet at 8:30 am to set out strings. The sight in range will be open from 9:00 – 9:50. Mandatory shooters and safety meeting and squad assignments at 9:50. Match starts at 10:00 am sharp.
The course is 10 lanes, 60 shots total, with three targets per lane shot twice. The Troyer value is 30.25 with 9 targets > 40 yards and 8 close in targets of 3/8 or 0.5”.
Match fees are $10 for IWLAWAC members and $15 for guests. We need a minimum of 4 shooters to run the match, so please signup in advance. If we don’t reach a quorum by 10:00 pm on Thursday 3/24 we will post a cancellation notice that evening.
We have made some exciting changes over the winter: The majority of target bases have been moved; some closer and some further, so essentially it’s a new course. In addition, 11/12 lanes now have four target bases, allowing the match director to choose between close, mid, near far and far target bases, so there will be a lot more variation from match to match; even lane 12, which was notorious for having only close in targets, now has a far target.
Looking forwards to the match
Mark & Paulo
As usual, we will meet at 8:30 am to set out strings. The sight in range will be open from 9:00 – 9:50. Mandatory shooters and safety meeting and squad assignments at 9:50. Match starts at 10:00 am sharp.
The course is 10 lanes, 60 shots total, with three targets per lane shot twice. The Troyer value is 30.25 with 9 targets > 40 yards and 8 close in targets of 3/8 or 0.5”.
Match fees are $10 for IWLAWAC members and $15 for guests. We need a minimum of 4 shooters to run the match, so please signup in advance. If we don’t reach a quorum by 10:00 pm on Thursday 3/24 we will post a cancellation notice that evening.
We have made some exciting changes over the winter: The majority of target bases have been moved; some closer and some further, so essentially it’s a new course. In addition, 11/12 lanes now have four target bases, allowing the match director to choose between close, mid, near far and far target bases, so there will be a lot more variation from match to match; even lane 12, which was notorious for having only close in targets, now has a far target.
Looking forwards to the match
Mark & Paulo