As noted above, the FWB models 65 / 80 / 90 pistols were available with southpaw grips, but the actions all have the cocking lever on the left side.

The traditional way to cock an FWB pistol is to hold it vertically in the right hand, grasp the cocking lever with left left hand in an overhand grip, and pull it sideways.

It's easier on my old wrist and elbow to hold the gun sideways in the right hand, i.e., palm facing up. Then lift the lever with the left hand using an underhand grip, if that makes sense. Pointing it downwards and/or bracing against your leg while doing this helps further.

All bets are off if you're a lefty though! 😀
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FWIW, there were two sidelever match rifles from the recoilless springer era that actually were made with left-handed actions as well as stocks - the Anschutz 220 and Diana 75. But I'm not aware of any springer or SSP side-lever pistols made that way (and Anschutz did not continue this with their next match rifle, the model 250).

Your best bet, obviously, is something that has an inherently ambidextrous vertical cocking mechanism - i.e., using the barrel, an underlever, or an overlever.
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Nice looking pistol but looks very unfriendly to lefties. The Bakail 46M is probably the best left hand friendly SSP pistol I have. Tack driver and Cow bird killer.
Finding one with left hand grips is a bit of a problem, but I think Pyramid Air had some in the AV, (Air Venturi) series available with a left hand stock, at extra cost of cost. Rink, in Germany makes some very nice grips, also in left handed, rather pricy though but worth it.
FWIW, there were two match rifles from the classic recoilless springer era that actually were made with left-handed actions as well as stocks - the Anschutz 220 and Diana 75. But I'm not aware of any springer or SSP pistols made that way.
FWB made some of their model 300 rifles with a left handed stock. Cocking lever still on the right side, I don't see where that would be a big problem for a lefty, Continue to hold the gun with left hand at the pistol grip, operate lever with the right and load with right. I saw a few minutes ago where someone posted on one of the forums, looked back and cannot locate it.
Finding one with left hand grips is a bit of a problem, but I think Pyramid Air had some in the AV, (Air Venturi) series available with a left hand stock, at extra cost of cost. Rink, in Germany makes some very nice grips, also in left handed, rather pricy though but worth it.
I purchased grips from Rinke, they are great. Took eight weeks and the shipment bounced around the USPS network like a pinball. Took five minutes to install.

I also suggest checking out Steve Corcoran's grips, he makes some very fine pieces of furniture.

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as with many pistols or guns we have to handle them to get them loaded and cocked
the model FWB 65-80-90 are no different in right or left-hand really
a righty would open the breech of the gun with the left-hand then switch hands and grab a pellet load with his right-hand. switch back and cock the pistol with his left-hand
the left-hand person would switch hands open the beech load the pellet and then cock the gun before switching hands
left-handed people have always had to adjust it is a learned function that is all
would a FWB 65-80-90 be the best choice for a left-handed shooter maybe no and even finding factory grip is near impossible, but Rink could make some for you
it is not a perfect world
a Diana model 10 could work but finding one in factory left-hand grips, you would have a better chance of finding a unicorn, again Rink does make a grip for them
but on the model 10 like the 6m the front sight rotating cover, rotates with a right-hand person in mind
I was lucky enough to notice that Krale had a set of lefties for the 65 two weeks ago, and I bought them.

Here's how you handle the 65 fitted with left-handed grips:

I find it utterly impossible to cock the 65 without resting the barrel against the inside of my left knee... If I try to leverage it any other way I wind up pushing rearward on the sledge, causing the sledge to unlock when the gun is about 80% cocked.
The manual states that the muzzle must be pointing straight down during cocking - It doesn't mention that any other position will likely result in the sledge unlocking.

This is the only video I could find showing someone cocking the FWB 65, but I can't manage it, and I don't have weak wrists!:
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New cocking aid....
I am a lefty and have a 717 which cocks the same way , just put the gun in my right hand cock it /back to my left hand load and fire simple !
Just bought an IZH 46 but have to find leftCoy grips or make some ?
Cocking motion is opposite on the FWB 65 and Daisy 717/747/777 series. With the FWB motion is from front, muzzle end to back, Daisy from breech end to front.
As for the IZH 46 lefty grips, look to Rink in Germany. I had problems with my red/black laminate grips on the AV 45m splitting in a couple of places, so got a set of Rink grips, Much, much nicer. You will probably have to wait about 10 weeks plus shipping time. and be prepared to pay dearly.

Price shown is euro

When I got mine I paid for deluxe walnut, but with so much stippling I woud go standard walnut insteasd if ordering a new pair.
Cocking motion is opposite on the FWB 65 and Daisy 717/747/777 series. With the FWB motion is from front, muzzle end to back, Daisy from breech end to front.
As for the IZH 46 lefty grips, look to Rink in Germany. I had problems with my red/black laminate grips on the AV 45m splitting in a couple of places, so got a set of Rink grips, Much, much nicer. You will probably have to wait about 10 weeks plus shipping time. and be prepared to pay dearly.

Price shown is euro

When I got mine I paid for deluxe walnut, but with so much stippling I woud go standard walnut insteasd if ordering a new pair.
i like no stippling $228.47 + shipping , not too bad , thanks
would a FWB 65-80-90 be the best choice for a left-handed shooter maybe no
Maybe Yes

the model FWB 65-80-90 are no different in right or left-hand really
a righty would open the breech of the gun with the left-hand then switch hands
Switch hands for what? Holding grip by right hand, opens breech with left hand, load pellet by left hand, close lever by left hand - shoot by right hand.

the left-hand person would switch hands open the beech load the pellet and then cock the gun before switching hands
Left-hand person holding pistol for a barrel (like a rifle) by right hand, opens breech by left hand, load pellet by left hand, close lever by left hand, take a grip by left hand - shoot by left hand.
Maybe Yes

Switch hands for what? Holding grip by right hand, opens breech with left hand, load pellet by left hand, close lever by left hand - shoot by right hand.

Left-hand person holding pistol for a barrel (like a rifle) by right hand, opens breech by left hand, load pellet by left hand, close lever by left hand, take a grip by left hand - shoot by left hand.
I am right handed. I put the barrel alongside my right thigh or left knee and pull cocking handle with left hand, then hold gun in left and load with right, then reverse procedure to get gun back in right hand to shoot, Whatever works, to each his own, I am not about to say what is best, do whatever works for you. All I can say is the gun is designed, in factory configuration to be held by grips in the right hand and cocked with the left.